I have a question regarding the empire tree.
Since tab only works for sub-selection when the empire tree is unstacked (right?), I find microing larger battles is best when stacking is turned off. But two things really annoy me. One is that once my fleet gets large, it is hard to select enemy targets as they are scrolled way off the screen. Two the darn empire tree jumps all over the place during combat, especially when I am tryiong to select bombers or fighters with the alt key.
Any thoughts? Or are we all just stuck with this? Is there some setting I am missing? Some configuration option in the .setting file(s)?
For those who say I should just use stacking, I did that for a long time, but at Faster speed settings microing subverters, guardians, overseers, etc. is a really nasty and inefficient to say the least. Besides targeting is so much more superior with shift click when stacking is off. All is fine until my fleet / strikecraft push all the enemy targets off the screen. Then things get squirrely.