So what would the new expansion have?
Here are some of mine, and I'll add more good ones as you all present them
I have a few friends who haven't picked up Sins due to the lack of co-op campaign. I would love to have a campaign.... but I realize that it is a stretch.
Maybe a campaign that teaches the new players all the mechanics of the game better? Nothing too huge.
2. More empire building options.
A. Planet development
I love the design of Sins, but I wish that planets had more function to them. Maybe a research tree devoted just to planet upgrading and development. Right now the planet bonus system doesn't seem to give much to where it would be best. Maybe implement a system that you can research some planet bonuses for economic worlds, research worlds, culture worlds and production worlds
B. Black Market, resource trading depth.
Something should be done in this category to break the "I have more planets so my production is better" staleness. It shouldn't be just about the numbers, it should be the COUNTERS. That is the design I see in Sins, strategy and counter-strategy.
C. Planet variety.
The DS mod and others have introduced many new planet types, and I think they should be made a permanent part of the game. There is no reason to not add more variety.
D. New Logistic structure. (added by Darvin3)
As Darvin3 stated, logistics are only tactical at the start of the game, by the mid-late, it digresses into trade ports or refineries only..... Need some variety, something that has a bonus that stacks.
E. Embassy. (added by ZombieRus5)
Buildable by Envoys. Like a starbase but for diplomacy and economy, not defense
3. Optimize.
A. 2 GB limit.
If it is possible, can the engine be optimized to run on multicore?
B. Optimization project
The team for the optimization project has fixed some bugs, and optimized many meshes, textures and files. Maybe use their free work to help?
C. Ship movement. (added by ShotmanMaslo)
Large fleets still take very wide arcs to maneuver. This is space, turning on a time is possible, and strategic.
D. Empire Tree (added by MindsEye)
Put transition ships at the BOTTOM! No more jumping trees please.
E. Auto Docking. (added by myfist0)
Strike craft stay docked unless an enemy is present. Or maybe add a condition that fighters only auto attack when X number of strikecraft/lrms are present, and bombers auto attack when there are very few enemy fighters left.
F. Zoom model reduction. (added by myfist0)
Zoom out and use lower level models. Zoom in, higher quality models. Simple no?
4. Multiplayer.
A. Smurfing. (added by Stant123)
Nobody seems to like it, and it harms newcomers. ID's should all be tied to a main account. Multiple users on one account can be used for friend purposes or new tactic strats, but seriously, no little blue men....
B. Lobbies. (added by Stant123)
The split lobby is very cumbersome, and should be reworked if possible.
C. Downloadables. (added by DirtySanchezz)
Custom maps should be able to be downloaded from the game lobby itself. Streamlining the multiplayer experience will get more people online.
D. Multiple Start options. (added by MindsEye)
Different quick start options, Yes! Also with more Pirate options to play with. Have a start with more than one planet, and one with a small fleet and colonizer. Trim some time off the game.
E. Multiple AI Start options. (added by ZippyIp)
Set pirate strength and AI surrender limits
5. Mechanics.
A. Fleeting down. (added by ShotmanMaslo)
Fleeting down to gain resources is a good idea. Paying again for the upgrade will prevent abuse... I like it!
B. Invasions. (added by ShotmanMaslo)
Invasions instead of bombings. Take longer, but retaining more of the planet infrastructure.... Thoughts on this one?
C. Adjustable fleet patterns.
Have more options to fleet design. Have a skirmisher fleet (LRMs in front instead of HC) an actual battle ball (Fleet centers around capital ships) and a wedge, cause everyone needs to be wedged from time to time...
D. Ship division. (added by ShotmanMaslo)
Have a button or hotkey for equally dividing fleets from one large one into 2 smaller ones. Have options for how to divide fleets, tying into the fleet patterns above
E. Captains. (added by many!)
Experience tied to a captain rather than a ship, with the captain being transferable. (I'm not so sure on this one...)
F. New Capital Ship research tree. (added by ZombisRus5)
Add more HP, damage, antimatter and abilities. upgrade targets per bank of weapons, and increase weapons
Possibly customize capital ships?
6. New material
A. New support cruiser. (added by Darvin3)
Each faction should get a new cruiser to aid in balance issues. Advent have no answer to shield mitigation; Tec have no mass disable options or capital ship protection measures; Vassari have no star base killing options other than strike craft, which limits fleet dimensionality.
B. New race. (added by many)
Simple, new race! space slugs or cybernetic robots anyone?
0. Ideas that probably will not work, but do deserve mention...
A. SuperCaps. (added by Qu4r)
The balance of the game is still a little off, and I don't think adding Super Capital ships will help. However, the Idea itself is very good.
B. Cloaking. (added by ShotmanMaslo, onomastikon)
Cloaking is a very popular mechanic that people want, but the way Sins does it is not practical. Ships simply phase out, but are still physically visible, just not attackable. That is not stealth, and shouldn't really be used extensively.
C. Full ship customization
Customize each individual ship, modular method. Not sure it is "Sins" material.
AND - lift the hard code limits for the modding community. Maybe let the AI be edited as well
- Give the AI more personalities to choose from. A heavy LRM spammer, or bomber spammer AI would be a challenge!
- Longer names for ships/stations/planets
More modding options....
So, what else?
Here's what else.... What we would want a SINS 2 to look like!
Sins 2
- Smoother Gameplay
More Z axis dimensionality
New players can join game in progress to take over AI
Download mod/map direct from game lobby
More personal Lobby, fleet and character.
- New Gameplay
Fighter pilot (YES!)
Weapons Control (turret shooter mode!)
Ground warfare (Conquer the planet)
CO-OP Missions
- Expanded Ship designs, Planet types and structures
Animated ship parts/weapons
Targetable ship parts/weapons for disable
More space buildings for Eco, Diplo, ect.
- Troop carriers
Used for ship/planet takeovers
- Expanded 4X dimension
Spies and Espionage/Sabotage
More exploration
- Original design (Major Stress and many others)
Orbiting systems, No phase lanes, but a moving universe. This would make timing very important.
Add a limited jump distance from friendly territory to balance it out. (Never liked the fact that one race could strike anywhere they wanted, while the others could not...)