Hello Demigods,
For those of you that have been around awhile, you already know me. For those that are new, welcome!
I thought I'd start making some posts from time to time to bring you all up to speed on the latest in the community and what is going on (for those of you that aren't following things as closely as I am).
Policing the Community
First off - our community is small - BUT we have a dedicated fan base that keeps demigod going and an occasional influx of new players as folks discover demigod and as various promotions occur (I'll cover why its a smaller fan base in a later update). That said, we have made increasing efforts to police our small fan base to remove individuals that seem to enjoy harassing other players and ruining the Demigod experience. We all fully understand getting frustrated after a few rotten games and having a lousy attitude as a result. Folks like this aren't being evaluated for bans. Instead, we have been taking aim at individuals that habitually harass other players with malicious intent and generally ruin the experience for anyone crossing their paths. The good news for folks like that is that all they need to do is change their negative behavior and they can continue to play demigod however they want. But if they persist, they will be removed. Feel free to pm me directly if you encounter a player that harasses you in game or via pm on the forums and I can assure you that appropriate action will be taken. To be fair, though, no one is banned just on 1 individuals say-so. At any rate, please be assured that we are looking into individuals that are abusive and we'd rather not have them in our little community either - folks like that tend to chase away new players and the welcome additions to our community.
The 2nd Demigod Community Tournament
We are currently enjoying our 2nd community demigod tournament. This tournament has been sponsored by several individuals from the demigod community and the publishers of demigod: Stardock. Currently, the round robin portion or our tournament is wrapping up and there will be a final 4 play off tournament likely to start the week after Thanksgiving. So, stay tuned. In addition, there will be some live streams of the final games so you can listen in and watch the best teams in demigod fighting it out. And in case you didn't know, every game from the tournament is archived at gamereplays.org , so you can view the replays and see what each team is choosing for items, builds, and so on. Replay's are a great way to get better at Demigod. Here is a link to the results thread where you can find links to various replays: http://forums.demigodthegame.com/399047 . And here is a link to the rules thread in case you want a better understanding of the tournament: http://forums.demigodthegame.com/396231 .
Last but not least, there are several Demigod mods you should consider checking out. Some are just fun addons to try out, some mods make the AI MUCH more intelligent to fight against if you just enjoy single player, and others just fix bugs and enhance the demigod experience. I've compiled a list of mods you should consider checking out over here: http://forums.demigodthegame.com/399399
Curious about how many games are in progress right now or how many games are open? Check out the following link for up-to-date game stats: http://www.demigodthegame.com/opengames.asp
Looking to get started with multi-player?
If you are a brand new player, I'd highly recommend getting in some games in single player first against the AI to familiarize yourself with the characters, abilities, etc. However, if you are ready to make the plunge online, I'd strongly suggest hosting your own games at first and calling the game "New Players Only" or "Noobs Only." What you'll quickly learn is if you join a lobby full of experienced players you will likely be asked to leave or will be kicked. The reason for this is that in Demigod one weak player can cause a team to lose about 90% of the time regardless of how good the other players on your team may be. So, having a brand new player on your team up against more experienced players generally guarantees a loss. At any rate, the best way to get your feet wet is to host your own new player games OR if you are just looking to make some friends, consider hosting an AI stomp game. You can go online and play with up to 5 players against up to 5 AI's if you'd rather go that way.
Thanks for reading and catch you all in game!