Ok i got a game tonight against the same oppentent i lost to earlier, i realise my flaws but i just wanted to quickly check if this is an ok early game (built up after reading so much in here lol) prolly a 32 planet, norm speed, no pirates
1 build cap base - build scouts - build one of each lab - any extracters
2 build the egg - send scouts to find each availble planet - reaserch assalient
3 send egg & any assilents made, to the planet with the best easesit/usefull ratio - research conalise planet (whatever needeed)
4 send scouts from this planet - conalise - build conalise frigate and a company assalients to go to usefull astaroides etc
5 continue to rush to the best planets, trying to establish contact with the enemy, at which point astablish the front line and take choke points. - build one of each lab at each planet taken.
Late game - front line, build starbases (2 upgraded if i can) repair thing - and phase gates. keep, 2-4 lil carriers at front line with fighters to deal with scouts etc, keep the main fleet two planets behind the front with access to phase gate. (since he doesnt know about phase gates yet lol)
The guy i play is extreamly carrier cap heavy, with loads of HC, counter i guess is -
Senital - assailent fleet, good match of bombers & fighters, chase down caps with HC and subverters with the distortion abbility and if possible, grav bomb the caps with the egg.
also how do i deal with ridiculus amounts of mines???