Well, Im trying to make a reasearch thing that makes the Novalith Cannon better... Does damage to the ships and structures inside the planet's gravity well instead of just the planet.
So in order to accomplish this I added:
buffInstantActionType "DoDamage"
instantActionTriggerType "OnDelay"
delayTime 0.000000
Level:0 3000.000000
Level:1 0.000000
Level:2 0.000000
damageType "PHYSICAL"
isDamageShared TRUE"
to BuffTechOrbitalCannon.entity and changed "numInstantActions 2" to "3"
Is there a reason that this isnt working? Something dumb that skipped over? Maybe this is in the wrong file? I cant find the dev.exe for diplomacy (not even in the install folders) so any help would be grand.