go tot his page:http://soase.weebly.com/convertdata.html
at the bottom there are 3 pictures,1 for each expansion pack of sins,whichever one you have clock on the version and download the files.
they will contain every file in sins except for the texture file.
in the gameinfo folder,find RESEARCHSUBJECT_MAXCAPITALSHIPS****0-7
where **** is the race name,PSI is advent,PHASE is vasari,and TECH is tec.
open the file in notepad,scroll to the near bottom aand you will see this:
modifierType "CapitalShipMaxSlots"
baseValue 0.000000 - change this to something like 999999999 for infinite capital ships.
perLevelValue 2.000000 - extra capital ships when you research this,add this to the previous max amount.
modifierType "CapitalShipMaxSlotLevel"
baseValue 0.000000
perLevelValue 1.000000 - no need to touch this.
*when you are finished take the researchsubject's file out of the referrence gameinfo file and put it in a new gameinfo file,then put the gameinfo file inside another file named whatever you want,i would name it "Infinite capital mod",then put that file into your mod directory.
*(ignore this if you know how to place and make mods)