You do not recall the generals that won battles for Julius Caesar. You recall Julius Caesar.
I am bitterly disappointed by Civilization 5, and the obvious and official name associated to it is: Jon Shafer. It is then perfectly logical that some like me are very unsure about Mr Shafer being hired as an asset for Stardock.
The problem is that bad feelings from a game are difficult to reverse. Feelings are not logical, they are feelings. It is often an epidermic issue. Games are for fun, if there is no fun, it is like discovering that your companion cheats on you... Unpleasant for saying the least: difficult to stay neutral.
* If you like Civ V, so then it is good news.
* If you do not appreciate Civ V, it is bad news.
* If you never played Civilization, so then Jon Shafer must be judged on his acts.
Actually, it is also obvious that Shafer has ideas. Civ4/BTS was a success. Some ideas in Civ 5 are courageous, and needed to be experimented. I would not mind to see Jon Shafer working on a NEW project, where he can develop his vision without carrying a rather heavy back pack (continuing Civ, extending Elemental).
There is also the factor "Kael". And by experience, I know that the best missions done by my teams are when 2 or more individuals are complementing each other, and not when only 1 is leading and others are followers/minion.
At the end of the day, it is dangerous to associate a name with so many "black & white" perceptions as it brings instant and illogical reactions: we are human beings, not Asimov's robots...
However, it is also interresting to see what the chemistry will produce.