To reiterate the epic subject:
multi-core support, 64bit and the 2GB RAM limit.
Because thats the only thing that matters now.
I really want to know if this is gunna happen, If you guys are working on this or if we have to wait for a SINS2.
With my Core i7 875K OC@4Ghz (X30 ratio running high prior+2 core affinity the game properly run on the first Core it is used @ 100% when playing), 8Gb RAM DDR3 1600 and two 460GTX SLi. A racing beast for any games.
But the game is horribly slow on a 3vs3 skirmish versus computers only (Cruel difficulty). Almost no differences with my old Core2Duo E6850, or a very little. Its smooth, getting slower and slower and i have to exit the game upset like a miserable. So the game is perfect as long as there are no more than 4 players (AI). Altho i can even get it to lag like hell with 4 players if fleets are at max capacity.
A little fleet with 16 capitals trying to save a Starbase (and yes there are other fights happening at same time on the map):
Halfway on the same 3vs3 game (AI Cruel), the lag begins:
Sorry i know this game is now old, i guess.. but if my processor could run this on 8 cores instead of 1. It would be smooth like baby butter and id enjoy it sooo much, for now its not. 
But i got to admit you guys rock for making such wonders, Sins of Solar Empire is the best strategy game to me, It brought me back to Strategy games when i was deep into First Person Shooter only.
Any hope or do i give up ?