I already see the swarms of tec incoming.
Y boost hosiko so much? they were best support crusers already.!!! it was domina who needed that!!!
And whats the point nerfing kosturas if noone was crying about them from a year. They were such a big resource compromise that the side that build them usualy lost. People learned to counter them properly and still only few can use then in right way. What most important, it was the only working mass controll weepon.
Also waht with other carrier caps? y r they not toughed?
hehe, hoho love. .
I do belive the hoho issue was a mistake, not really a balance thing... i mean, it makes no sence game lore wise... when the lore says that the design allow 360 degree robot launching... and then having to face front? what?
That said... domina's might be able to get such a buff... but remember... a few patchs ago it was the domina, and overseer that got a turn rate boost and NOT the hoshiko. (hohos do actually feel a bit sluggish in that way now... but you dont notice it with their repair bots.... but we will see.
point of nerfing kosturas were that they needed nerfing. They are still game enders if you know what to do with em.
That said... what do I see...
LRM w/ flack still king. nothing changed here should have changed that.
I am quite annoyed with the lack of a assailent/exp adjustment... I was sure that would have happened... then again, there are quite a few things that havent made it into the patchs yet... so... hopefully that is one of them.
(edit: I am talking about (mostly opening) cap ships below, and not frigs)
As far as VAS goes...
Well, I see people still using lots of skirantras for a short while, because they just plain forgot how to use anything else... but I could be wrong.
I do expect there to be many death eggs flying around again, 2 constructors means that your 2x as likely to be able to finish that repair bay before the enemy fighters take em out.... Being able to cement that planet right between the players as yours is just so important that an extra constructor will be quite helpful.
That said, the kortul, and desolator should be making a apperance... they are good caps, and I think they are viable now.
The maruader was buffed ever so slightly... I dont know if we will see many of these around... but they are my fav capital ship... but I need to get my micro skills back up before i take one out for a test drive.
As far as TEC goes...
I see every capital ship as a viable opener now.
The akkan will still be fabulous for obvious reasons... but with the kostura nerf, and the skirantra nerf, armistise and targeting computer seem ever so slightly less valuable.
The marza... I feel kinda bad for the marza. with the range nerf, and the higher probabilities of capital ships with disables... feels like a double wammie... I am note sure if the new IS makes up for that... but we will see.
Sova still a sova.
Now... The KOL might actually be a viable opener now. And a starting kol will almost certainly be GRG/flack instead of flack/shield. That +75 damage. and the antimatter reduction means that, well, It miiiight actually be able to be able to clear out militia almost as fast as a sova... hopefully, occasionally, a more usefull kol later is just as intresting as a sova rush now. (death egg will almost certainly still clear out militia faster than a kol) A lower level kol is certainly buffed, while a higher level kol is almost unchanged... I do hope a kol opener would work, but we will see.
Now, A donov. I expect to see a few of these. most likely in a pair, of course. With the magnatise buff, I quite expect that donov's will now be QUITE effective against early vasari bomber spam... If a tec player sees a skirantra, I think you can expect his second capital ship to be a donov. I do really hope this ship is viable, Its my second favorite ship, and having one or 2 of these makes KOLS even more viable.
As far as ADVENT goes...
well, ill be honest, i was never much of an advent player. but...
With the risk of a haylcon meeting a kol, or kortul increased... I dont know. Hopefully, the risk of a kol, having just steamrolled though millitia, now ready to flackburst advent strike craft to little itty bits might reduce double haylcon starts.
With the buffs to all three R's... I do hope to see some PRO/RAD/RAP (holy trinity) combos, or even now a RAP/REV combo miiight be possible (the rev uses guidance to allows a lv 3 rapture to almost maintain vengence on whatever is being focus fired. the rev, while under its own guidance, is able to shut down both of the enemy capital ships very quickly.
The new guidance is sure intresting... I have a feeling the devs played it safe with such a large change... i expect the antimatter cost will come down a bit in a future release, or the % reduction will go up... of course, if it allows light frigs to spam steal antimatter faster... it might be able to recoup some of that extreme antimatter cost... It might be useful.
The Rapture, with vengence, is suprisingly effective at taking down strike craft if you target the right thing. (bombers attacking repair bay = repair bay gets lots of damage... thanks to high multipliers and lack of shield mitigation = lots of damage reflected back to the bombers)... I do hope to see this to reduce strike craft spam as well.
Progen should still be viable, but might take a slight back seat.
In general... I think that there could be some capital ship combo experimentation possible on the advent side... A pro/haly will still work, but other things will be possible now as well I think... And the way advent capital ships level up... I do expect to see in general, 3 or more advent capital ships, with many abilities, instead of 1 or 2 high level capital ships like what is common with other factions.
Well, thats the theory, now, to test the theories... personally, i hope I am wrong.