If I have my way, WOM won't ever be finished or at least will be worked on until I can't compile it anymore (see my angst on tryign to do new builds of galCiv II).
As much as I wish WOM had been a critical success, the fact it wasn't frees me to tinker with it without the same kind of crazy that would happen otherwise.
I can only read this as "since I'm chalking this game up as a loss, now I don't really care whether it ever succeeds".
In GalCiv, I hated the economic system but couldn't really change it because it has such a larger player base.
WOM, by contrast, will eventually have a very small player base as people move to FE and that means only us hard core people will be playing and doing things with it.
As someone who bought WOM expecting it to be in working order, and after having waited 3 months for you to make good on the promises you made back in January to make WOM worth playing, I can say that I have no intention of "moving to FE" unless you're going to offer it for free to anyone who bought WOM. In fact, I have no intention of buying any future Stardock game until you redeem your credibility by finishing WOM. It is not finished, and you're still in denial about it. There's still no decent in-game tutorial. There's still no balance. There's still dozens of unimplemented features that you've been promising since release.
If you don't make this game worth playing, then you have one less customer. FE be damned.