Haven't read the debate on Amazon, but what do political views have to do with a book or game? Unless you run your company like a dictator, why would politics come into any discussion? Eh. I've worked for people across the political spectrum and never found it to be an issue when doing business. People are weird in their reviews. That is the flaw with the review system of many sites. You can have a group a reviews that have nothing to do with the product and they bring you down. ..Just my 2 cents.
In "real life" I'm not political at all. But online I tend to debate as a libertarian which, if you're far enough to one side or the other makes me either a fascist or a hippy depending on your point of view. Debating politics (for me anyway) is like playing an RTS. I just enjoy debating. What I didn't realize is just how serious some people take these things. I.e. they get really really upset if you don't share their world view.
But obviously it is annoying having people say the book is "horribly written" when it's obvious they didn't read it. I won't claim to be a world class writer by any means. But I consume books as a passion and feel pretty comfortable with the relative quality of Destiny's Embers.
The book itself has no politics in it at all. I read fiction to escape from the "real world" not to be preached to.