How has Star Wars turned itself on its head? Let's have some fun with this. List inconsistencies IN THE STAR WARS MOVIES knowing what their technology is capable of.
...The Force, originally, was an energy field that the vast majority of people could learn how to manipulate. Then it turned into needing a certain high level of mediclorians, so they became rare.
...the military superpower, the Empire, didn't advance it's technology much. Ion engines propel star destroyers, we've got ion engine prototypes now.
...Palpatine underestimates the rebellion given his history that singlehandedly overthrew the Republic. He, above all others, should know the power of a single, determined man, let alone a full blown rebellion full of determined people. army of Ewoks with arrows defeated an elite force of stormtroopers with blasters and AT-STs.
...fighters in Phantom Menace had shielding, but TIE Fighters don't. (Empire went BACKWARDS in fighter design? Really?)
...rebellion fighters were better than Imperial fighters. They had shields, missiles, AND lasers. The Empire, being the superpower it was supposed to be, apparently didn't have the money to buy those fighters from the company that made them, but an underfunded rebellion did. Nor does it sanction or shut down said company.
...stormtroopers were accurate enough to be identifiable at having attacked jawas by blast patterns, yet couldn't hit anything else without spray and pray. I'm told it's a helmet on, helmet off thing, but that DOES NOT MAKE SENSE! the Clone Wars, the Republic's Clone Troopers proved that a better trained, better equipped force will RAPE a massive, untrained force. Palpatine, having seen this, promptly forgets this in training his Starfleet and Stormtroopers.
...C-3PO had his memory wiped, R2 didn't. He then DOESN'T TELL Luke that his dad is Vader. Also, R2 has some pretty badass stuff in 1, 2, and 3, but looses it after the Clone Wars end.
...Cloud City? (Open Air city in a gas giant with orange clouds, enough said)
...Vader lets Luke fall, instead of using the Force in cloud city to lift him up after he tries to fall. missile launchers, no rocket launchers, no mortars, only one instance of field artillery, and very little anti-aircraft weaponry in the movies.
...what happened to the mobile shield generators in episode 1?
...Vader survives being caught on fire, having his skin burned off, laying next to a lava flow, after having both his legs and remaining arm cut off. Evidently Sith are immune to shock.
...lightsaber cutting off arm in cantina=blood puddle next to cut off arm on the ground. Lightsaber cutting off arms, legs, and other body parts outside of cantina=burn closed wounds.
...where did the blaster miniguns go?
..."Sir, the ship has gone into an asteroid field..." Why do you CARE? Vader asked the exact same thing.
...Lack of Stormtrooper camoflauge
...Planets that have only ONE KIND OF ECOSYSTEM
...Naboo? Porous core filled with does it have enough mass to have enough gravity to hold an atmosphere, much less let people walk around on it?
...Death Star? Why not just show up with the fleet of Star Destroyers you could have built at the same price as the Death Star? That's A LOT more intimidating AND deadly! That rebel force on Yavin wouldn't have stood a chance.
...Death Star design? Bad engineering or blatant plot device? First it was a small hole they could shoot a missile down. Next edition, it turned into a large hole the fighters could fly down through, blow up the reactor directly, then follow on out the other side.
These are just a few, anyone else have any? Or are you ready to disregard inconsistencies and plot holes from the debate?