I want starcraft like animations and cutscenes in a single player starcraft2 like experience. Playing through the starcraft2 campaign atm and its pants. Good fun... lots of character. Loving the hangar stuff and the merc hiring etc.
Let me repost what I posted elsewhere on a campaign mode:
I think any sort of "campaign mode" would get repetitive very quickly. For each race, against any sort of AI, the same basic strategy will probably be used. Campaign mode should be significantly different from what could have been a series of random-small or random-medium maps. To make it halfway worthwhile, I think they'd have to make up new victory conditions so it isn't just "expand, then kill every enemy planet". For instance, campaign-based victory conditions could be something like: retain control of planet X for 40 minutes, prevent the destruction of starbase X, achieve an income of X credits per second, etc. But even still, for any player who has any MP experience (most of the regulars on this forum), any of this would probably be trivially easy... and if it were made even a little challenging to people like us, it would probably be virtually impossible for the masses who play only single-player. At their current skill level, at least.
However, a "harder" campaign mode combined with good strategic coaching from instructors or heroes in-game might help average players up the learning curve enough such that they wouldn't be completely trounced in MP the first couple times they play, which could prevent some of them from permanently going back to single-player in despair. In other words, a well-designed (hard but learnable) campaign could help entice more people to play online, which would be excellent IMO - but I don't know how much the devs care.
Of course there will always be those who'll always prefer single-player so they can watch the AI suicide thousands of ships into their starbases.