Today, April 19th, 2011, at 8:11PM (EDT, one presumes), Skynet became self aware, according to ancient prophecies.
How's the AI coming, Froggy?
Strong AI is a fantasy of tech journalists and sci-fi nerds (for the forseeable future). I'm as disappointed as you are, to be sure.
According to the font of all knowledge, Wikipedia, it was actually August 29th, 1997. I've got conflicting reports. Looks like I'm watching Terminator again!
*goes and gets weapons ready for epic robot battle.*
When the winds of nukes blow, some build shelters and some build robot factories.
If the terminator tv series is to be believed, the robots have already traveled back in time to secure resources for those factories. Then again, that show loved to just throw out random changes to the cannon. Anyone else think its funny that John Connor in Terminator 3 was also the Jesus figure in Carnivale?
The Borg will take care of Skynet.
Do you think Skynet will let the government and scientists announce it has arrived!?
At least he robots will keep away the Zombie Apocalypse.
saviors figures permeate human cultures, and almost all religions... so how did JJJJJJohn CCCCConnor get the JJJJJesus CCCCChrist gig?
JJJJJusst CCCCCiding
The Zombie Apocalypse would be awesome though. I could put all these guns and ammunition to use for a day or two before they dried up.
Did you all take the blue pill again? No one the Matrix is still playing games with your heads.
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