Let's avoid the sh!t talk, shall we?
I have to agree with Sanchez on PJI's and siege frigates. Any form of static defense is going to lose to Ogrovs, and PJI's are no exception. It will certainly make a good capstone for a trap, but the "teeth" of that trap will need to be frigate-power. Siege frigates are also a poor comparison; the damage they deal even to a 1000 HP asteroid pales in comparison to the damage an Ogrov will deal when it pounds on a trade port or other equivalent structure. In terms of the damage they're dealing, the Ogrov is much faster acting and it comes at the same price point as a Krosov.
However, I disagree with Sanchez on his other points.
Ever wonder why so many of the pro players have switched to TEC?
The Ogrov doesn't really stand out by comparison with TEC's other daunting early-game and mid-game strengths. The 2-lab trade port, the LRM, the hoshiko, the Akkan, the Sova... they all come together in an excellent synthesis to give TEC a brutal game plan. The Ogrov is definitely a strong unit, but it doesn't stand out compared to the rest of the crowd. It's really the combination of all these strengths that makes TEC so deadly, not any one in particular.
I think one of the big problems was the new faster speed. It used to be that plotting down those trade ports at the start of the game would significantly slow down your early colonization, so Advent and Vasari could keep up by focusing on expansion until they reached the higher lab levels. In Entrenchment, I had no problems playing Advent or Vasari in an economizer position and being competitive with TEC (map layout permitting). With faster game speed, you can largely have your cake and eat it, too. TEC can have those trade ports up at the start of the game and still be colonizing everything in sight. Now Advent and Vasari really are behind and there's not a lot you can do about it unless you get a great start location. I'm beginning to think that either "faster" speed needs to be toned down or trade ports need a nerf to bring fast trade (and by extension TEC's advantage with it) into line.
you just get lots of Orgovs to kill his starbase and phasic-trapped hangers
Complaining that Ogrovs are good against starbases is disingenious; that's what they're supposed to do, and I'm completely with Derek on this one. If the TEC has totally overwhelmed you such that you cannot adequately support a starbase to survive an Ogrov assault, then you've lost. If you're going to blame a balance issue, you probably should focus on the LRM and trade port that let TEC get to this point. If you have a remotely competitive fleet, the Vasari defensive array is extremely dangerous and TEC definitely needs the Ogrov to punch through.
Pretty soon this will be a TEC-only game
I definitely agree that the other factions need help, but I don't think that necessarily needs to be a TEC nerf. The supply pact is probably the only thing I'd hit hard with the nerf stick. I could definitely see tweaking a lot of their units, including the Ogrov, but nothing drastic.