Just a suggestion, you guys should see about meeting up with a good quality diecast model manufacturer and consider selling Diecast models of the ships from SoASE, You could sell them for $15 bucks from the Sins store so I could play......I mean collect them.
I think that this depends on the quality that they'd want to get from the models, and the amount they want to sell; do they want to sell large quantities, or do they want these to be more akin to a collector's item?
I think EVE Online actually did a pretty good job with this; they have ~12" long models of a battleship from each faction in the game, composed of resin and painted&mounted up for you- the downside is that it costs about US$70 apiece. But for the quality you get- it's quite impressive.
I'm personally partial to a resin casting- you can fit a lot more detail into resin than into a metal; for some models, that's obviously not going to be a problem- but for others? Resin's a much better choice. Then again, Sins models aren't super-heavy on detail with the model itself- details tend to come out of the textures instead.
Overall, I *love* this idea. I'd have the TEC strikecraft sitting on a shelf, along with an Arcova scout frigate and an Antorak Marauder....... and that's just what I'd start with!