Ironclad has posted a cool picture of an in-game render of a titan on their Facebook page:
Looks good and deadly.
Jaw drop.
This had better be in-game...
To be clear that's not necessarily a render in the Sins engine, but it is the model they made for it instead of just concept art.
Nope. They said that it was in-game, I can now confirm this, having signed up for facebook in order to see these things...
Well, that answers my question in another thread. And my conclusion still stands. That is a mobile Novalith Cannon.......
Needs a bigger gun.
Why did you sign up? I didn't.
No, it's smaller to take out structures and other Capital ships. One Titan can take on a fleet of ships. Supposedly.
Let's see, new things that I can spot.
New skybox
New ship
Lighting texture layer now shows up better
Ship parts now shadow themselves
Possible updated bloom engine? There's certainly something different going on with the particle/mesh overlap...
Hmmm.... May work as a new background.
Agreed, They updated the graphic engine. Rebellion is gonna rock for the holidays, unless we get it Feb 2012...
Read the facebook comments...
Brian Clair That's just a render, but the in-game model looks pretty good still.
They said "Render of the In-game version" on facebook (I saw it there before this thread). Render does not equal screenshot.
WTF I am holding my mouse button down on that image but the damn ship will not rotate around.
Try holding down the tab key, it might help.
Either way, in-game, rendered graphic. That's two different shots of the TEC's Titan. Let's see the Vasari version, oh yeah maybe the Advent as well.....
I doesn't look that much bigger than the star base in the background however it's tough to tell with the angle. It definitely seems scaled down from the first concept Athena render. Still pretty cool though.
Gonna need a bigger boat.
I love it!
Edit: Double post.
It's probably close to the same mass as the Argonov, but it can be tricky to judge because it's a long ship.
Is it really in-game?
Damn, i need stronger shields...
...and a bigger fleet.
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