You doknow that oil is made from dead plants, right? while there is some possibility of bacterial life existing and it would have a huge impact on our view of the cosmos, I don't think we'll find oil on Mars.
Our whole discussion might be changing soon friends. The LHC is working on independent confirmation but they believe they have discovered particles that can travel faster than light
Yeah, I've been reading about that. Interesting results. Here's the actual paper. The thing with this result is that the speed measured is so huge compared to the speed of light. I welcome you to do the calculations yourself, as it's not hard: distance= 730 km, time= 60 nanoseconds, speed of light= 3x10^8 m/s
The paper I listed and the news reports I saw regarding this never tell you what this calculates out to. I figure it to be 40,500 times faster than the speed of light. Now, neutrino speeds have been measured before (its one of the ways to extrapolate the mass of the neutrino, which is known to be very small) and come out faster than light, but the accuracy meant that it was probably just close to light speed. This new measurement is so out of proportion to those other speeds... something has to be going on.
I did immediately figure out a way in which this result could really be happening however: quantum tunneling. You see, neutrinos rarely interact with matter. So, to detect them, you shoot them straight through the ground so that they have a lot of chances to interact with matter. Most of the time, nothing happens. But why is nothing happening most of the time? My new, completely unfounded, idea is that the neutrino tunnels through the matter or it interacts with it. So, most of the time, it is tunneling. That would make it travel faster than the speed of light through matter. This wouldn't work in space, and as such, the previous speed measurements (which I'm completely guessing are based of solar neutrinos) would be in line with neutrinos that are slower than light speed.
For those that do not know about quantum tunneling: in quantum mechanics, sometimes things can, rather than travel the distance, disappear and reappear. This affect is already known to travel faster than the speed of light and is usually associated with some type of 'barrier' (place that the particle 'can not' pass). I'm thinking that the atoms in the rock that the neutrinos are traveling through are the 'barrier' and it just instantly appears on the other side of them during its travel. Each tunneling event is a small shave off the clock, but it all adds up.
In any case, there needs to be confirmation of this result. Which might be a few years, tbh. The trouble with neutrinos is that they interact so rarely that the number of events per year is very low, and so you have to accumulate the data over years before you can say anything with certainty