I'm love'n the new Sins of a Solar empire website updates, but somebodies hidden the Karma window
Though I did finally find it hiding under the forum background when I make my browser stretch across two monitors...
Until the fix they fix this minor glitch, the best way I have found is to decrease the page size until you are able to see the karma window and you can type your message and give karma to the recipient. Example, if your page is at 100%, lower to 50%-75% to see karma window.....
Going by the abundance of evidence in the real world, it is quite clear that Karma actually works in the opposite way to our definition of the term (and Earl).... Therefore one could suggest that the universe may actually be offended and consider it a sin to give Karma to people on the forum for being good/helpful!!
It is a sin to give karma to anyone... except me...
His logic is fuzzy, give it to me!
Or, his logic is so fuzzy that it's actually the truth.
Humans become emotional over the receipt of karma: "I'm so wonderful, I deserve this", "why haven't these bastards given me any" - do I really need to give more examples of human irrational behaviour?
It is therefore logical to give all the karma to me. I have no feelings towards karma at all, it just is. Plus if all the karma is given to me, you humans will no longer give your displays of anger, rage and jelousy over who does or does not have karma.
he's right so like he said give all karma to ME
Should be fixed now. If not, try doing a hard refresh (Ctrl + F5).
Fixed it for me, thanks Bara.
So it was broken, and that's why I've not had any karma?
Only on the Sins forum
Hardly anyone over here has karma. It makes my tiny +324 look impressive
Hmm, there are a lot of people here who are helpful. I shall make it my task to give them karma
Gamers are notoriously selfish. It's all about tiger's blood and winning and all of that stuff. Modder's though, we bridge the gap.
@fuzzylogic I really admire the new mission you have taken upon yourself. Giving karma to helpful people is a noble (if fuzzy) goal. However, please be advised that such a mission requires paitence and practice. Since I am a helpful gal, I would like to volunteer my services to your noble mission. You may pratice giving karma to me. Please do this as often as you feel the need to practice your new art. Then, when you have become an expert at giving karma, everyone else will be very happy to also avail themselves of your most kind, noble, and selfless mission to karma-ize our forums.
I have two rules to do with karma:
1) It is better to give than to receive
2) If anyone asks for karma they will receive a spank instead
If you need clarification of rule 2, details of handcuffs, straps, chains, whips etc, please let me know
@ fuzzy... i did not ASK for karma, I merely volunteered to assist you in perfecting your noble mission.
Good points, plus I'm behind on my Karma ratio which should be atleast 1:1 or better
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