- Need to review the artifacts and the Cylon asteroid base (need moons addon). Could you send this through to me?
I can make a separate download that will work with the baked version.
* "Number Six" ability for the envoy shouldn't be on automatic autocast. Otherwise the AI will use this all the time on the human player.
* The "Number Six" ability (Rebel) and "Sharon Boomer Valerii" ability (Loyalist) hasn't been set up right. In the initial ability files that I sent through to you, I also allowed for credits to be stolen periodically. The whole purpose of the ability is to target allied player planets (reflecting the traitorous/infiltrator nature of the Cylons). At the moment it has been set to target enemy planets. Please see my original ability files.
I'm still debating what to do with this one. As you know I'm not a fan of making abilities that are unusable by the AI and maybe less known I'm not a fan of exploitable abilities. Having it target Allied planets and steel almost 1/2 their planet income is rather extreme. Further the AI will have no knowledge you are performing this activity.
The reason I set it to enemy planets and auto-cast is because if/when you double cross an AI they will be able to target your planets as well as you being able to infiltrate enemy planets with no defenses and do the same under the guise of an envoy.
The other problem I have is the exploit. This essentially allows a player to post envoy's on all his allied planets and systematically steel their planetary income.
We can talk some more on this ability but in it's current form it seems way to powerful and with no way to counter it.
* "Number Five" icon/ability description shouldn't be used. He wasn't part of the Rebel Faction (was with Cavil). See below:
Lets change to another cylon image then.
* "Number Eight" ability descriptions are missing. They are missing when you go to the ability for the actual Envoy as well:
- Did I send you a new mesh for the Hades? Can't remember. Doesn't look like its in-game. The Hades icon in the menu looks a bit weird too:
There was no new mesh for the Hades.
- Both Rebel and Loyalist factions should be able to access all capital ships. The Rebels don't have access to the Hades, and the Loyalists don't have access to the Guardian. The order for both factions should be:
1. Hades
2. Djerba Baseship
3. Guardian
4. Resurrection ship
5. Baseship
6. Worldstar
7. Nanostar
The original design was only Rebels had the Guardian (i.e. The Guardian hybrid would not side with the Loyalists). We gave the Hades to the Loyalists as the compareable class.
I'm willing to discuss this.
- Djerba Baseship shouldn't have "Resurrection Link", also the "Fortress" ability shouldn't have autocast on by default. Also, the Djerba Basestar should not have access to modern Raiders (both normal and bomber). Should only be able to access AB raiders.
Was just thinking extending resurrection to an older hybrid class might be good. We can remove it.
* The Enhanced Nanorobots ability doesn't work properly... it seems to become a permanent ability once the cap ship is upgraded, rather than being an autocast type ability which lasts for different amounts of time. It just seems to be on all the time.
I'll look at that. We may want it to be a more powerful ability if it will be cast. It's not very powerful for the AM cost right now.
Hybrid Upgrades wasn't much of an ultimate ability. I set it intentially as a non-ultimate with more levels.
*Third ability needs to be "Heavy Fallout" as it was before, and ultimate ability needs to be "Hybrid Upgrades" which I sent through before. Do you have it (plus the icon)? If not, I can resend.
I feel FTL Virus is a more appropriate Ultimate Ability and heavy fallout was rather meh compared to it's current ability set in the build you have. I'm willing to discuss but I think this is a good setup.
* Nanostar "Enhanced Nanorobots" ability icon has turned to green. Did you mean to do this?
Yes, I'm open to a different color like purple or whatever. All gray scale icons are being colorized slightly so it's obvious when they are available/disabled. That was the first one I did so it's color is a little wonky.