I just emailed you the link to download the new models for the Resurrection Hub, Resurrection Ship and the new Warstar starbase.
Could you please make the below changes before the next build?
Yeah, these should be easy to add in assuming they're still the same basic shape/size.
- Weird bug where the first time you use the Nanostars "Enhanced Nanorobots" ability, the effect doesn't work. Seems to work for the second and subsequent times though.
That is odd. The effect looks cool though. Maybe there's something odd about loading it the first time.
- Djerba Baseship and Hades - AB raider squadron is repeated as two different types of squadrons, but they're actually the same. I think you may have developed a second type of AB raider so should one of them be changed to that? ie. the Guardian has two different types.
Sounds like a copy/paste issue. Easy enough to fix
- Natalie Faust ability (The Plan) is only for the Rebels. Natalie Faust was never a part of the Loyalist faction, only the rebel faction. Please change this back to the previous icon/description, which was Number Five Model. - Djerba Baseship description is incorrect. It should be:
- Why have you created an AI only Titan build? Just curious.
There's a bug they fixed in 1.83 (supposably) where the AI will literally stop building ships when it wants to build a Titan. Now mind you the AI neither has the titan research full, resources, free supply or free capital supply (whichever the case may be), but it keeps the TItan in the top of the build queue. As long as the Titan stays in the top of the build queue nothing happens, and it can stay that for a long time or forever if it never gets the 4th research lab.
The AI only concept is in the current moddb release and I added it back into the private build since it's still on 1.82. It was pulled out with the 1.83 code and it was put back in during one of our builds.
The AI only change is to allow the AI to build it's Titan once available capital/fleet supply is available and free up it's frigate/capital queue to actually building ships. I've taken the philosophy that the AI is incapable of saving the credits needed to build the Titan given all the other things it wastes money on like planet upgrades/etc.
I've had a few different iterations on how to avoid this bottleneck and so far this is the most consistent as the only cheat the AI gets is in cost to build.
I've also thought about making this a one-time only perk for the AI. In this scenario the AI would get a placeholder Titan at game start and then spawn in the Titan when the appropriate conditions are met.
Regardless when 1.83 ships I plan to remove the AI only titan so I'm not too concerned about the AI bonus right now.
One questions though. what will be the impact on this mod if/when version 1.83 is released? will it be changed again to use the new features from the new version?
I had already made the changes to support 1.83 and then backed them out. I'll re-apply them when 1.83 becomes stable.