- Need to fix up the abilities for Cylon moon bases.... Could you copy the current abilities for the Cylon starbase across to the moon base?
- Moons don't seem to "attack" properly? I think it does attack(because ships are taking damage), but you can't actually see any missiles being fired?
1. Maybe. I need to make it's scripted to move the right files from the cylon folder to the moon folder to handle the case where the source starbase files are modified.
2. It's low on my list todo but I need to make sure all the meshes have weapon points for moons and increase the missile effect being used. It should be more like large nukes being fired out.
- Abilities still aren't right for Cylon Titans... they still have some Advent abilities? Also it seems
as though you can't advance any of the abilities past 1 ability point? See my post Reply #2142 for abilities that the Titans should have ie. Total Atmospheric Expulsion for Loyalist Titan etc.
Do you mean the icon picture? I've tested this several times now and see the new text for abilities/weapons/durability and made sure all upgrades are possible and in the right ability slots.
Also, like vanilla sins there are restrictions for leveling and upgrades.
Ability A: Atmospheric Expulsion
Level 1: available at Titan level 1 or higher
Level 2: available at Titan Level 3 or higher
Level 3: available at Titan Level 5 or higher
Level 4: available at Titan Level 7 or higher
* You can't get level 2 of an ability if the Titan's current level is less than 3
- Chimaea envoy - Once you have completed research for Number 2 model, click on the envoy ship
and move your mouse over its abilities, it says "Number Two?s prophetic.." instead of "Number
Two's prophetic.."
Fixed- appears to be an encoding issue from the source I copied in from.
- For some reason, you can't research Number Six Model in "The Plan"?
Fixed- Incorrect pre-req.
- Should be "Node V0" instead of "Node v0"... in the list of names for Cylon capital ships ie. the "V" should be upper case, not lower.
- When the Lockdown Virus is used (Guardian Mk1) and the enemy ship is disabled, my ships seem to stop attacking it?
Correct- It's based on the advent capital ship's blackout ability. Shooting at it wakes it up after it takes a certain amount of damage. I'm open to a redesign of the ability.
- Awesome that you've changed the end screens for when you win, loose etc, but the pictures are too small or something? The pictures dont fit the size of the screen.
I didn't want to stretch the pictures I had. The image needs to be 1024x768. If you find some that size or larger I can add them in (Send me a link to the image). To compensate I added a black bar on the bottom to get the coding in place- swapping pictures is easy.
- In "The Plan", I can't research all the items in the bottom half of the screen? i.e. Pricing Advancements, Resource Advancements...
Those are extra researches available after you make a research pact with another faction
Good stuff- thanks.