1) Getting it to physically fit on the motherboard. Some jackass at MSI must have thought it was a brilliant idea putting all SATA connectors directly behind the PCIE port. I can now barely fit cables into 2 out of 6 connectors.
2) Drivers.
Dunno why, but when uninstalling the old GFX drivers all motherboard drivers were nuked as well, which "kindly" included the LAN adapter. So... I couldn't even get online to get a new set of drivers for the motherboard. Luckily, I had an ancient laptop laying around which barely can be labeled as a computer..... I managed to get it online and download new drivers that way. But FFS it took a long time. >.<
3) Monitor cables...
The card is appearantly so hightech that it doesn't support dual VGA monitors, so I had to dig very deep in my pile of monitor cables to find two DVI cables.
Gonna be extra fun when I get my 3rd monitor home again. Then I have to use a HDMI cable on the main monitor....
I remember the time when a hardware replacement took no longer than swapping tyres on a car, and wasn't any more technical.