These numbers and suggestions are only examples. Give every ship and station a static Crew number. Like this. * Crew People and souls. It uses a pretty simple concept. You can take other peoples teknology, ships and structures. And the ships and teknology are added to your own tech trees. But only the exotic teknologies.
A Boarding frigate have 8.500 Soldiers and 2.500 crew.
Colony Frigate 15.000*
Trade ship 1.200*
Refinery ship 2.400*
Titan 100.000*
Research station 20.000*
1 soldier can take out 2 crewmen. One crewman can take one soldier if the ship is one level higher than the enemy boarding vessel.
Now boarding is static yes ,and what you see is that the boarding ship attaches itself to the enemy ship. The ship that is attacked will react slower and come to a halt.
The battles are then decided by dices but conditioned by the experience of the crew and the soldiers.
This works in most games.
Think about the boarding frigates in Homeworld 2 but just a little more fair and more sophisticated. (new)
Of course you do not need another boarding frigate to combat the enemy boarding frigates attacking your ships or structures. You can simply destroy the boarding vessels before they manage to take over the ships.
Now think about this what if SINS get this boarding party thing and it WILL change you online experience. A Lot.
It actually will make the online players more carefull about where thay place their things or not guarding a trade route.
And the pirates has alot of these boarding vessels. They do not gain any tech or whatnot but they gain control over structures and ships if you fail to defend them. And only way to get back if you fail would be like always take your property back with your own boarding vessels or destroy what the enemy took.
Maybe add a new research function named "Ransom" wich will make the pirates surrunder the property they took from you at a high price.
Also a new research tree about soldiers and crewmen so you can train them and meybe get so strong soldiers that nobody can take your property at expense of not getting other research done.
Main Keywords: Civilivan, Economic, Attack, Defence, Exotic. --- Then add Boarding.
Some players may then military focus on attack upgrades some may focus on defence upgrades and some boarding upgrades. So this will make strategy even more diverse.
The boarding action would have an outcome based on the experience of the crew, what defences you have given the crew. Medic learning, bulletproof vests, armory upgrades and so on etc.
This way you would never know if your boarding goes well or not. Strong is better than quantity. But i guess an inexperienced huge titan crew would win over a experienced small boarding crew. Unless the ship is attacked by another boarding vessel afterwards. Let Crew and soldier be a REGEN thing.
You may have seen Star Trek and that they boards enemies. You may have seen Star Wars boardings. Piretes of the caribean boardings or some other boarding of drug dealers on the open sea.
My point is that you know that a game with SHIPS is SUPPOSED to have BOARDING Action!
who supports me?
Sorry for my unpleasant spelling.