It may even occur to you that they developed their idea's on their own,
It did.
perhaps if you thought of that,
I did.
It's your self, not you're self. Learn how to type correctly.
Alot of stuff that's in Rebellion isn't new,
Correct. All of the content from the original game plus both micro expansions, and of course, my ideas that were stolen.
heck things like Titans class units and what not have come from other games (i.e. Eve Online).
Are you trying to prove their ideas are theirs or that they make a habit of stealing them from others? I mean, honestly, right now, you're proving my point. They stole my idea.
They may have the idea for the game way before you did.
Nope. They work on way too many games to worry about this one that is now six or more years old from a development standpoint. There's also this thing called a poll that they had on their main website around summer/autumn of 2010 that was asking if people even wanted an expansion in the first place, so clearly they had no thoughts or ideas on the issue since they weren't even sure if we gamers even wanted one. I had been talking about rebellions and loyalists as early as the winter of 2009/2010 in my writings before this poll ever showed up, and one month after I detail out specifics in a PM to a friend in 2011 we get this announcement, "oh hey, guys, we have an idea for an expansion, it's called Rebellion, here's the logo, that's all we have because we're not done reading Stant's messages yet, yay, buy it now and get 10 dollars off..." And then nothing other then a couple of drawn, not even in game (even though it uses everything from the existing games!), DRAWN images for more then half of a year after the announcement. Come on, modders can create a new ship in days, as a side project for fun, surely, someone getting paid to do it as their job can do it much faster because they're obviously much more talented and creative then any one of us could ever hope to be...
Show some respect to these developers,
Show your respect to me fool.
don't outrightly accusing them of stealing you're idea.
Companies outright accuse its customer base of being thieves by including obnoxious DRM schemes that the real thieves have bypassed within minutes of release and don't have to deal with... Others include verbiage in their EULAs that say they can stop you from using their product whenever they feel like it. Hell, Apple's BS says that if you use their free software to make anything that isn't being distributed for free, then they legally have the right to not only demand a cut, but to decide when and where, if at all, you get to sell your work. That's just downright criminal... I've provided proof that it was my idea first, you want to dispute that, show me your proof. But honestly, I really don't give a damn about you, I'll let the courts figure it all out.
Infact, if the idea's are put into the game, that must mean the developers are on the same page as the their customer base is, so I see no reason why anyone would be upset over this.
I'm not upset, I'm happy my ideas are being used, all I'm asking for is a thank you line since they were my ideas. I'm not asking for money, I'm not asking for a free copy as I've already committed to buying through the preorder, I'm not even asking for an early beta or preferential treatment. Just a thank you line which takes 3 seconds to type up while they're typing up the list of everyone else connected to the project. I don't see why that's so hard or demanding... Have you heard of the Space Ponies achievement? That was a group of testers for the original game. All they did was play the game and they got a whole achievement created for them... Picture, lines in the string file, planetary bonus listings, and part of the achievement system that you have to get in order to get 100%... I'm not asking for any of that at all... Just a "Thanks Stant123" they can even say why "for the Loyalist/Rebel idea."
DS crew that got him involved with the whole project,
That was actually The Undying with his Firefly map. That required DS to play so I got involved to make it all work out the best it could. Refer to Carbon:
Greedy much? We dont need credit.
I'm not in this because of the mod, I work on the mod and repeatedly turn down being credited as a full team member, and for the longest time, even turned down being credited for helping. In this case, my ideas are created and used and you all thank me repeatedly for my help. That's all I'm asking for here too. Just to be thanked.