Yeah. I never did crap jobs in 12-18 hr shifts to keep my wife and kid alive while I was in Med School. Wars had comfy hours too. I never did 36 hrs every 72 hrs during Internship and Residency.
No one has ever worked as hard as them or you.
Whew, what I said totally went over your head and for you to compare med school with working at a Apple plant in China or what i did which was newspaper work......I don't get it. It ain't about that.
What I was saying is that at the newspaper in the 70's, 80's and 90's there was so much work, so much overtime that it was like a gold mine. I wish it were still like that! I made gobs of money back then unlike slave laborers in China now. I am saying that for the most part the days of people in America who make something, a product or manufacture an item, no longer have an environment where they can make good money. They shipped all that off to China or India and for one reason or another, like in newspapers the need for skilled labor has gone bye bye. The middle class cannot make a come back unless there are manufacturing jobs for them. When you ship millions upon millions of jobs overseas what are you replacing those jobs with? There are only so many Taco Bell or McDonalds jobs out there and even then that kind of money ain't shit.
When WWII started America was able to build planes and tanks at Ford, Chrysler and GM plants. We were able to make parachutes and uniforms because the factories were there already, factories that previously made clothes. We had a manufacturing base. We don't have a that now. Even now at automobile assembly plants in the U.S. a lot of the parts for the cars come from over seas. For the sake of unlimited profit the American middle class has been sold down the river by multinational pirates like Apple.
Capitalism is not manufacturing. It's an end all in the process of making profit for the sake of profit and the welfare of the worker isn't taken into account. The middle class, the 99%, loses out in that equation but the 1% profits handsomely.