Just back from vacation.
Never disputed any of it (again, you agree with me, that the estimation is probably a bit excessive) so don't be so rude as to assume I need it spelled out again. I'm not arguing with you. You're agreeing with my argument and then arguing with me about it. Why? You estimated 6 to 8 days, I said that's probably a bit excessive, I never said it was by two days, don't tell me that I said something that I didn't say. If you don't agree with the estimate, then change it, it was yours after all, not mine. I'm a modder here too, have been for a long time, don't keep coming here and talking down to me like I don't know what's going on when something changes. Again, it's insulting to us both. I know things go wrong too. I'm the one who is usually fixing the issues for the community at large.
I'm neither in agreement nor in opposition to you as you've given no clear estimate of the amount of work. Sentences like " it's insulting to us both" have a certain ring to it I do not like.
If that simple logic is to be the deciding factor on if I should be treated as an authority on the issue, well, then I guess I should be treated as an authority on what is a priority and what isn't.
You are a veteran modder and have legitimate grievances about unfixed bugs, and as a dev myself I do understand when people call for bugs to be fixed before new features are implemented. But guess what. Thats not always the case because sometimes the two are not exclusive because they may involve different devs. Perhaps a new feature is trivial (technically) to implement whereas another bugfix might be a pain in the ass to fix and not game-breaking.
The 1.33 and 1.34 updates did absolutely nothing to it
True, but as a dev I would classify them as hotfixes, not updates.
so I'm glad you are still more then willing to come on here and openly admit you are still agreeing with me.
The way you formulate these sentences make you the troll
Never said anything about immersion not being necessary, please, again, don't say things that weren't said just to make your argument look better.
Never said you were. Case closed.
I wasn't sarcastic to you, I merely amusingly restated what had happened when I said the pictures should be switched over to the icon system. If you feel that I was sarcastic to you rather then being funny based on what had previously happened, then you need to remove your own personal opinions and bias from my statements. You should take me seriously as I have not been offensive to you even though you're picking on me when I haven't said one thing that you disagree with other then both of our stated opinions on the value of the picture sets, but we're not beating each other over that so it's a moot point.
Well, as we never had a dialog before, I cannot guess your intentions here. Might be you think it funny, might be you are. But as I did not know you I could only go by the appearance of it.
Did you bother to figure out why most everyone here was acting the way they were?
I had my encounters with JCD before and while I'm not too fond of him I do not judge the message by the messenger.
PLEASE stop the car analogies! You are freakingingly stp. Stay on topic.
Apologies to all for that. I still stand by my words for I hate false and unfitting analogies, especially car ones.
Also correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't I keeping my commenting specifically to JDC himself until you started getting on my case? You're going to be answering yes to both of those. You're not my mother, I don't need or want to have a behavior lesson from you just like I wouldn't want one from her. Do yourself a favor, a little friendly advice here so you don't confuse it as an insult or something, you want to keep things professional, then don't you yourself get rude and then bitch at others for being rude as well, and definitely don't be trying to enact behavioral modifications on others when you have no business doing so. Ryat apologized for his comment, you never did for yours. Don't act like a moral compass when you fail your own expectations.
It's not the messages I don't like, its the way you bring them forth. Yes, you kept your comments specifically to JCD, and he kept them to the devs at first. Who threw the first stone is a stupid game to play. And sentences like "Do yourself a favor, a little friendly advice here so you don't confuse it as an insult or something, you want to keep things professional, then don't you yourself get rude and then bitch at others for being rude as well, and definitely don't be trying to enact behavioral modifications on others when you have no business doing so ..... Don't act like a moral compass when you fail your own expectations." ARE insulting to me. Will you apologize?
I was insulting to JDC, but if you would be so kind as to actually read this thread, you would see that he did deserve it
To be honest, you are no way in the position to make that judgment, nobody is.
I am not and have not ever been insulting to you or any other modder. (Unless Carbon or Draak deserved it. But they're big boys and will respond accordingly adding to the fun.) If you feel that you have been insulted, then please go back and reread it without your own personal opinions and bias.
I'm having rough conversations with others on other forums, but when I'm on stardock I mostly try to stay civilized because I publish my efforts here. A bit banter is well and good if all are in agreement on it. From now on I will remember that you are someone to be bantered with. 
And you didn't 'just' point that out, if you did, then my replies to you would be much shorter, pay attention to what's going on. Personally, you've already disrespected me enough to get me to not care about your opinions any more seeing as you've accused me of things I didn't do and I've proven I didn't do, and the only one here that is losing respect is you. Everyone here knows what they're getting with me. Most everyone here respects me, some people here even send me after problem posters on purpose because they know I'll be more then happy to put someone in their place as soon as they start getting bitchy with me. I'm very upfront and forthcoming with the way I am and have always been that way, but you sir, you are trying to pick a fight with me that would only lesson everyone's opinion of you. Some more friendly advice... Don't do that. I never lose unless not getting laid is a result of winning. ;] And you're not my type, so...
Thanks for lessening global respect for me. You mighty hero!!
Sorry pal, but that last paragraph cannot be taken serious so I think it's banter and boasting. I don't need your friendly advice as you were not friendly. I did not pick a fight, you did. You've crossed the line when you said to someone "now fuck off". I never accused you of anything. I made guesses but never any accusation. You accused me but you wouldn't see that. And boasting to "be more than happy to put somebody in their place" ... I'm not sure I would know what somebody else's place is but you seem to think of yourself you do.
TBH Nobody should be insulting anybody here! Yea, We see very stupid, inflammatory, and "troll-ish" comments on these boards from time to time, but does responding in kind makes us any better than the person/s instigating the problem? As satisfying as it may be to lay the smackdown on a troll it does not. The fact that this degenerated into a veteran modders dissing on other veteran modders flamefest means that the troll won, and guess what? You guys have become the troll as a result. By allowing this to get to you, and turning on each other.
The veterans need to call a truce, and drop this topic. The point has been made. There is no need to drag this on further.
Amen. So I call a truce! Stant123, do you agree?