My issue isn't Steam or the services it offers to players, it's the DRM.
I don't like having to prove I bought an item every time I go to use it. I don't need my TV to scan my receipt when I turn it on. My car doesn't require a password to start. I'm not a criminal or a thief and I have no desire to be treated as one.
I supported Stardock solely based on their commitment to never use DRM. The fact the Sins is a great game is more a bonus.
I have purchased every Stardock title. Demigod was one of the worst experiences in gaming I have ever had and I played it maybe 5 times but felt that my money was in a good place. I bought Elemental and was disappointed I couldn't play LAN without buying two copies but that was acceptable and I would have purchased another but no one I knew wanted to play the game because it was a mess. Still I felt I had placed my money in a good place.
Now I've literally been deceived. This hasn't been a decision that was made in the last two weeks and that is why I am so bothered. You never once asked anyone who has supported you about this and whether this move was acceptable. I was never sent an E-mail warning that Stardock had abandoned it's mission statement and the bill of rights that made it stand out so that I could receive achievements (something that is already in the base game).
The worst thing is the way I have always talked about your company. The way you were going to lead the way even as other companies are tightening their own restrictions. I brought support to your company based on what you claimed your beliefs were. That is really what I'll have the hardest time forgiving. You made me a liar.
You made me a liar and no matter what your excuse is, that's unacceptable.
Shame on you.
I'm not sure what I'm going to do right now because I don't want to support DRM. I don't want you to receive my money after this decision because I don't want this move to be rewarded. I want to believe you will realize this is a mistake before you release the game but it sounds like you feel that you don't have the skill to deliver a solid multiplayer experience.
I guess it's laughable I was worried about Gamespot taking over Impluse. At least they aren't shoving DRM down my throat and they never said they wouldn't (in fact they reserved the rights to do exactly that). In fact I continue to support them by buying any DRM-free games they provide. That shows you where you rank on my list.
Sorry about the long post but this ruined my day.