There's a special place in hell for companies that have 2 betas at once, you know..................................
And wat 2 betas would those be ?
on a more related note, finally we get a decent opening cinematic from you guys rather than the original one. always nice to see a mock of of the in-game action when starting the game as a teaser
initial impressions after 15 mins of play, are very good when looking at the tech trees. it is good to known that there is a research delay into how long it takes to actually build your titan, as no one likes an ai that gets it well before you and rapes you consistently for the fun of it 
will be having an in depth play throu once im awake after work
but its good to see you guys appear to have put alot of thought into this version of sins.
On a modding related a note, do you plan to release the reference files etc for the modding teams out there before main release? as alot of fans would love to see some of the more popular mods like sins of the fallen, malestorm, star trek mods, star wars mods etc not take years to be able to successfully update their mod to rebellion.
would i be right or partially right in assuming you lovely gents plan to release 3 betas in total one each for the loyalist and rebel sides of the 3 original sins fractions. and is there still no set date on when rebellion will be released or a rough estimate even for when this will happen.