This was a nice surprise, really looking forward to the game. Is it going to give me any issues that I own all the other Sins of a Solar Empire Titles on Impulse (Gamestop whatever) I wish I could migrate all my games to Steam and have them together but I don't want to rebuy them again.
Quoting Quacko, reply 1This was a nice surprise, really looking forward to the game. Is it going to give me any issues that I own all the other Sins of a Solar Empire Titles on Impulse (Gamestop whatever) I wish I could migrate all my games to Steam and have them together but I don't want to rebuy them again.
Unfortunately it seems if you want them on steam you will probably have to rebuy them on steam. I believe Rebellion is an expandalone so you shouldn't need the others even installed.
No Thrawn you dont, Steam can manual add game files to your steam library, the only diff between them being sold by and steam and not is that if their not you do not get any upgrade support for the software. for example you currently have diplomacy 1.34 ironclad release 1.35 you would be prevented from upgrading it throu steam.
And yes Rebellion is a standalone expansion and contains all the original content + more.
To migrate your games from gamestop to steam follow these steps:-
open steam
Go to your steam library
in the bottem left there is an option to Add a game to steam
click this button and then select add a non-steam game
wait for the program list to finish loading
find the games you wish to add to steam by checking the box/s
click add selected programs
That should add them to your steam library