Biggest problem is the loyalist titan, i'm sorry for tec rebel players but i've slaughterd 5 with hcs by now, they're hard nuts, but nowhere near the invulnerability of a loyalist titan.
I've just had a game, my lvl 8 loyal titan ran into 60/70 kodiaks, a lvl 1 rebel titan, 15 gauss, a fully weapon/hull techd sb ...
all of that was full research, shield, hull, weapon
my titan got to lvl 10, and never got a single dent inside hull, it took less damage then it self repaired ...
also the zone damage ability is just ... crazy, it melts stuff lower then a hc, and ends up killing hcs if they don't get repaired ... witch is unlikely since hoshis and repair stations die to it.
The last ability is op too, -50%/-75% weapon cooldown to friendly units (all exept titans and air if i saw right)
and +75%/+100% cooldown for enemy (same)
same for repair ability ^^ (witch actually boosts weapons too)
and for the hull boost one
the abilities and overall badassness of the titan is crazy
i'm pretty sure 150 kodiaks wouldnt break a lvl 4 or 6 titan