AbilityAssaultNanite |
Vasari New Capital Ship |
Creates an assault oriented nanite swarm which has a long range, anti-module assault beam. Hull, armor and anti-module damage increase with level of the capital ship. |
AbilityBidirectionalJamming |
AbilityBoardingParty |
TEC New Capital Ship |
Sends a boarding party to attack an enemy frigate, cruiser or structure. If a target ship would be destroyed while boarded, the ship is instead healed for a portion of its shields and hull and brought under your control. |
AbilityChasticBurst |
A powerful burst of energy deals damage to all enemy ships near the target. |
AbilityCombatNanite |
Vasari New Capital Ship |
AbilityConvertMines |
Advent |
AbilityCreateAssaultNanites |
Vasari New Capital Ship |
Creates an assault oriented nanite swarm which has a long range, anti-module assault beam. Hull, armor and anti-module damage increase with level of the capital ship. |
AbilityCreateCombatNanites |
Vasari New Capital Ship |
Creates a combat oriented nanite swarm at target location which has a basic pulse beam weapon. Hull, armor and weapon damage increase with the level of the capital ship. |
AbilityCreateSupportNanites |
Vasari New Capital Ship |
Creates a support oriented nanite swarm at target location which has a potent repair beam. Hull, armor and repair amount increase with level of the capital ship. |
AbilityDemolitionTeam |
TEC New Capital Ship |
AbilityDesperation |
Negates some of the damage that the Titan takes. When the Titan is dealt damage, it gains a stacking bonus to weapon cooldown for some time. |
AbilityDisruptEngines |
TEC Loyalist Corvette |
The Shriken's weapons have a small chance to damage an enemy's phase engines, increasing the time it takes to charge for a phase jump. |
AbilityDisruptionMatrix |
TEC Loyalist Titan |
AbilityDissever |
Vasari Rebel Titan |
The Titan damages all nearby enemy ships with destructive nanites. Those affected by Nano Leech take additional damage over time for the duration. |
AbilityEliteCrews |
TEC New Capital Ship |
An elite crew is sent to the target friendly capital ship which gains increased weapon damage, shield regeneration and movement speed for a period of time. |
AbilityExplosiveShot |
TEC Rebel Titan |
The Titan fires an explosive shell at the target ship which explodes, dealing damage and knocking back nearby enemies. |
AbilityFlagship |
Your empire's Flagship, which has been modified with extra durability and unique abilities. You lose the game if your Flagship is destroyed. |
AbilityFlagshipInvulnerability |
The Flagship becomes completely immune to damage for a short duration. |
AbilityFlagshipPurge |
The Flagship becomes immune to most disabling abilities for a short duration. |
AbilityFlagshipSprint |
Ths Flagship gains increased engine speed for a short duration. |
AbilityFracture |
Advent |
Enemy frigates and capital ships within a radius of the target ship have their armor telekinetically weakened for a short period of time. |
AbilityFuriousDefense |
TEC Loyalist Titan |
AbilityGravityPulse |
Vasari Titan |
The titan unleases a powerful gravimetric wave, slowing nearby enemies. Ships that are affected by Nano Leech are instead disabled. |
AbilityGreaterNaniteSwarm |
Vasari |
All nearby nanite swarms have coalesced into a single, powerful warship. |
AbilityGroupShield |
TEC Loyalist Titan |
The titan emits a powerful shield around a group of allied vessels, reducing some of the damage they take for a short period. |
AbilityHullDestruction |
TEC Rebel Corvette |
The Stilat's weapons have a small chance to damage hull repair systems, decreasing the passive regeneration of the affected enemy ship. |
AbilityInspireAndImpair |
TEC Loyalist Titan |
The titan broadcasts a powerful message to all ships in the gravity well. Friendly ships recieve a weapon cooldown bonus while enemy ships recieve a weapon cooldown penalty. |
AbilityLethargy |
Advent |
Psintegrat trick a target enemy ship into a state of lethargy, resulting in increased weapon and ability cooldowns for a short duration. |
AbilityMicroPhaseJump |
Vasari Loyalist Titan |
Instantly transports the titan to the targeted position. |
AbilityMineControl |
AbilityNaniteAssaultBeam |
Vasari |
Enemy planet modules targeted by this swarm suffer from reduced armor for a short duration. |
AbilityNaniteRepairBeam |
Vasari |
Target friendly ship's hull is regenerated and receives increased armor for a short duration. |
AbilityNaniteSwarm |
Vasari |
AbilityNanoLeech |
Vasari Rebel Titan |
The titan unleashes a nanite swarm, stealing hull and antimatter from nearby enemy ships while they remain in range. |
AbilityNanoRemit |
Vasari Rebel Titan |
The Titan sacrifices some of its own hull and antimatter to restore the hull and antimatter to nearby friendly ships. You must have enough hull and antimatter for this effect to take place. |
AbilityOvercharge |
TEC Rebel Titan |
The next ability the titan uses will be enhanced for far greater effect. |
AbilityPsionicScream |
Advent |
Enemy frigates and capital ships near by target are afflicted by a powerful psionic wave dealing moderate damage and preventing them from using abilities for some time. Enemies afflicted by Fracture take bonus damage. |
AbilityPurification |
Advent Rebel Titan |
Destroys target owned frigate or cruiser, allowing the titan to absorb its remaining hull, shields and antimatter. |
AbilityReassemble |
Vasari |
All currently active friendly nanite swarms are converted into a massive greater swarm which get bonus hull, shields and weapon damage based on the number of nanites converted. |
AbilityRechargeShields |
Advent |
Target friendly ship gains greatly increased shield regeneration over a short time. |
AbilityRepossession |
Advent Loyalist Titan |
Target enemy planet is instantly brought under your control through the will of the Unity. |
AbilityRevengeFromBeyond |
Advent Loyalist |
Nearby friendly frigates become marked. When destroyed, they will deal damage to a nearby random enemy ship. |
AbilitySalvageOperations |
Vasari |
Sends a team of small autonomous robots to the target enemy ship, where they will attach and detonate explosives to cripple the ship's engines and weapons. |
AbilityScattershot |
TEC Rebel Titan |
The titan fires a salvo of projectiles, dealing damage and lowering armor in a cone in front of the ship. |
AbilitySnipe |
TEC Rebel Titan |
The titan fires an extremely powerful, long-range shell, dealing massive damage to a single target. |
AbilitySolarFlares |
Yellow Star |
The star has reached its solar maximum, allowing ships to harness the extra power to regenerate their shields more quickly. |
AbilitySolarGamma |
Green Star |
Energetic bursts of gamma radiation damage shield generators, lowering overall mitigation levels. |
AbilitySolarInterference |
Red Star |
Electro-magnetic interference from the star damages weapon systems, decreasing their damage and rate of fire. |
AbilitySolarStorm |
Blue Star |
Energetic solar activity around this star prevents ship crews from initiating regular repairs. |
AbilityStrengthOfTheFallen |
Advent Rebel Titan |
Friendly ships that are destroyed near the titan increase its weapon damage for a short period of time. This stacks for each ship destroyed. |
AbilitySubjugatingAssault |
Advent Loyalist Titan |
Psionic energy is channeled into the titan's weapons, giving them a chance to permanently mind control enemy ships. Weapons fire depletes antimatter and deals decreased damage while this ability is active. (I think that this is limited to frigates and cruisers.) |
AbilitySuffusion |
Vasari Loyalist Titan |
The titan's weapons become overcharged, dealing splash damage for a short period of time. |
AbilitySupportNanite |
Vasari |
Creates a support oriented nanite swarm at target location which has a potent repair beam. Hull, armor and repair amount increase with level of the capital ship. |
AbilitySuppressionAura |
Advent |
Nearby enemy ships are telekinetically suppressed, lowering weapon damage and movement speed. |
AbilityTargetAntimatterTanks |
The corvette's weapons have a chance to deplete its target's antimatter reserves. |
AbilityTargetBackupGenerators |
The corvette's weapons have a chance to reduce its target's shield mitigation for some time. |
AbilityTargetBridge |
The corvette's weapons have a chance to prevent its target from using abilities for some time. |
AbilityTargetComputerCore |
The corvette's weapons have a chance to reduce its target's chance to hit for some time. |
AbilityTargetDamageControl |
The corvette's weapons have a chance to reduce its target's shield restoration rate for some time. |
AbilityTargetEngines |
The corvette's weapons have a chance to reduce its target's movement speed for some time. |
AbilityTargetHangarBays |
The corvette's weapons have a chance to prevent its target from launching strikecraft for some time. |
AbilityTargetShieldGenerators |
The corvette's weapons have a chance to reduce its target's shield restoration rate for some time. |
AbilityTargetWeapons |
The corvette's weapons have a chance to increase its target's weapon cooldowns for some time. |
AbilityTechOrbitalCannonLoyalist |
AbilityTheMaw |
Vasari Loyalist Titan |
The titan becomes immobile and begins to attract nearby enemy ships in a frontal cone. Enemy ships that are drawn into the titan's maw are destroyed and converted into resources for your cause. |
AbilityTitanFleetBeacon |
AbilityUnityMass |
Advent Loyalist Titan |
The will of all nearby friendly ships is focused into a beam of hatred against an enemy target. |
AbilityUnyieldingWill |
Advent Rebel Titan |
When the titan's hull is depleted, it will become invulnerable for a short period of time before being destroyed. Ability cooldowns are greatly reduced and antimatter regeneration is massively increased. |
AbilityWailOfTheSacrificed |
Advent |
This planet is destroyed and all enemy ships and structures in nearby gravity wells take massive damage proportional to the planet's population. |
These buffs are probably the result of using the abilities from above. So I will not bother with them, but feel free to read them nonetheless. |
BuffAssaultNanite |
BuffAssimilatedPopulaceDamage |
BuffAssimilatedPopulace |
BuffBidirectionalJammingSelf |
BuffBidirectionalJammingTarget |
BuffBoardingPartyRecourse |
BuffBoardingPartyTargetConvert |
BuffBoardingPartyTarget |
BuffChasticBurstAOE. |
BuffChasticBurstTarget |
BuffCleanseAndRenew |
BuffCleanseAndRenewTarget |
BuffCombatNanite |
BuffConvertMinesSelf |
BuffConvertMinesTarget |
BuffCreateAssaultNanitesFakeLevelUp |
BuffCreateAssaultNanitesLevelUp |
BuffCreateAssaultNanitesPre |
BuffCreateAssaultNanitesSelf |
BuffCreateCombatNanitesFakeLevelUp |
BuffCreateCombatNanitesLevelUp |
BuffCreateCombatNanitesPre |
BuffCreateCombatNanitesSelf |
BuffCreateSupportNanitesFakeLevelUp |
BuffCreateSupportNanitesLevelUp |
BuffCreateSupportNanitesPre |
BuffCreateSupportNanitesSelf |
BuffDemolitionTeamDamageBoarded |
BuffDemolitionTeamDamage |
BuffDemolitionTeamTarget |
BuffDesperationRecourse |
BuffDesperationSelf |
BuffDestabilizeHyperspaceTargetProtected |
BuffDisruptEnginesSelf |
BuffDisruptEnginesTarget |
BuffDisruptionMatrix |
BuffDisseverSelf |
BuffDisseverTargetDamage |
BuffDisseverTargetDOT |
BuffEliteCrewsTarget |
BuffExplosiveShotKnockback |
BuffExplosiveShotKnockbackOvercharged |
BuffExplosiveShotTarget |
BuffExpulsion |
BuffFlagship |
BuffFlagshipInvulnerability |
BuffFlagshipPurge |
BuffFlagshipSprint |
BuffFractureAOE |
BuffFractureTarget |
BuffFuriousDefenseFriendly |
BuffFuriousDefenseNonFriendly |
BuffFuriousDefenseSelf |
BuffGravityPulseSelf |
BuffGravityPulseTargetDisabled |
BuffGravityPulseTarget |
BuffGravityPulseTargetSlowed |
BuffGreaterNaniteSwarm |
BuffGroupShield |
BuffGroupShieldTarget |
BuffHullDestructionSelf |
BuffHullDestructionTarget |
BuffInspireAndImpairEnemy |
BuffInspireAndImpairFriendly |
BuffInspireAndImpairPlanet |
BuffInspireAndImpairTarget |
BuffLethargyTarget |
BuffMicroPhaseJumpSelf |
BuffMineControlSelf |
BuffMineControlTarget |
BuffNaniteAssaultBeamSelf |
BuffNaniteAssaultBeamTarget |
BuffNaniteRepairBeam |
BuffNaniteRepairBeamSelf |
BuffNaniteRepairBeamTarget |
BuffNaniteSwarm |
BuffNanoLeechRecourse |
BuffNanoLeechSelf |
BuffNanoLeechTarget |
BuffNanoRemitSelf |
BuffNanoRemitTarget |
BuffOvercharge |
BuffPhasicStrike |
BuffPlanetForAPlanet |
BuffPsionicScreamAOEDamage |
BuffPsionicScreamAOEDamageFracture |
BuffPsionicScreamAOESilence |
BuffPsionicScreamTarget |
BuffPurificationSelf |
BuffPurificationTarget |
BuffReassembleRecourse |
BuffReassembleRecourseSpawner |
BuffReassembleSelf |
BuffReassembleTarget |
BuffReassembleTargetNanite |
BuffRechargeShields |
BuffRepossessionTarget |
BuffRevengeFromBeyondDamage |
BuffRevengeFromBeyondTarget |
BuffSalvageOperationsRecourseBoarded |
BuffSalvageOperationsRecourse |
BuffSalvageOperationsSelf |
BuffSalvageOperationsTarget |
BuffScattershotPre |
BuffScattershotTarget |
BuffScattershotTargetOvercharged |
BuffSnipePre |
BuffSnipeTarget |
BuffSnipeTargetOvercharged |
BuffSolarFlares |
BuffSolarGamma |
BuffSolarInterference |
BuffSolarStorm |
BuffStrengthOfTheFallenRecourse |
BuffStrengthOfTheFallenSelf |
BuffStrengthOfTheFallenTarget |
BuffSubjugatingAssaultSelfAMDrain |
BuffSubjugatingAssaultSelf |
BuffSubjugatingAssaultSelfTarget |
BuffSuffusionDamage |
BuffSuffusionSelf |
BuffSuffusionTarget |
BuffSupportNanite |
BuffSuppressionAuraSelf |
BuffSuppressionAuraTarget |
BuffSuppressionChannelEnd |
BuffTargetAntimatterTanksSelf |
BuffTargetAntimatterTanksTarget |
BuffTargetBackupGeneratorsSelf |
BuffTargetBackupGeneratorsTarget |
BuffTargetBridgeSelf |
BuffTargetBridgeTarget |
BuffTargetComputerCoreSelf |
BuffTargetComputerCoreTarget |
BuffTargetDamageControlSelf |
BuffTargetDamageControlTarget |
BuffTargetEnginesSelf |
BuffTargetEnginesTarget |
BuffTargetHangarBaysSelf |
BuffTargetHangarBaysTarget |
BuffTargetShieldGeneratorsSelf |
BuffTargetShieldGeneratorsTarget |
BuffTargetWeaponsSelf |
BuffTargetWeaponsTarget |
BuffTheMawAttractTarget |
BuffTheMawConvertTarget |
BuffTheMawSelf |
BuffTitanFleetBeacon |
BuffUnityMassSelf |
BuffUnityMassTarget |
BuffUnyieldingWillInvis |
BuffUnyieldingWillRecourse |
BuffUnyieldingWillSelf |
BuffWailOfTheSacrificedSelf |
BuffWailOfTheSacrificedTarget |
Vasari New Capital Ship |
(It seems as though that both of the Advent and Vasari are getting battle related Capital Ships.) |
Advent New Capital Ship |
TEC New Capital Ship |
CorvettePhaseLoyalist |
Vasari Loyalist Corvette |
CorvettePhaseRebel |
Vasari Rebel Corvette |
CorvettePsiLoyalist |
Advent Loyalist Corvette |
CorvettePsiRebel |
Advent Rebel Corvette |
CorvetteTechLoyalist |
TEC Loyalist Corvette |
CorvetteTechRebel |
TEC Rebel Corvette |
FrigatePhaseAssaultNaniteSwarm |
Vasari |
FrigatePhaseCombatNaniteSwarm |
Vasari |
FrigatePhaseFlagship |
FrigatePhaseGreaterNaniteSwarm |
Vasari |
FrigatePhaseSuppotNaniteSwarm |
Vasari |
FrigatePsiFlagship |
Advent |
FrigateTechFlagship |
Advent |
MissionDefendFlagship |
Advent |
OccupiedPlanet |
Vasari Loyalist |
Vasari Rebel |
Advent Loyalist |
Advent Rebel |
TEC Loyalist |
TEC Loyalist |
TEC Rebel |
PlanetMoon |
(The one and only new planetary type.) |
PlayerPhaseLoyalist |
PlayerPhaseRebel |
PlayerPsiLoyalist |
PlayerPsiRebel |
PlayerTechLoyalist |
PlayerTechRebel |
These are all of the new techs. |
Advent |
"Target friendly ship gains greatly increased shield regeneration over a short time. |
Vasari |
"Increases the damage of all wave cannon weapons. |
Advent |
Prophets of the Unity go on pilgrimages to the planets under their culture's influence to spread their message, increasing gains in allegiance. (Advent can already get the allegiance of their homeworld up to 155%... I think that this is the last thing that they need. ) |
Vasari |
Further revisions of Nano-Molecularly Engineered technology yield immensely increased damage for all Phase Missile weapons. |
Vasari Rebel? |
Your forces gain a combat damage bonus proportional to the number of allied empires present in the current gravity well. |
Advent |
Old hatred is stirred up within the Unity against the TEC factions, leading to more aggressive tactics that boost ships' offensive and defensive systems. |
Vasari Rebel |
TEC supply chain negotiations resolve a materials shortage, allowing Vasari warships to be built to original, more durable specifications." (Will the player have to have an alliance with a TEC faction I wonder?) |
Advent |
The populace of newly conquered worlds embrace the message of the Unity with vigor, resulting in increased weapon damage and population growth for a short time. |
TEC Loyalist |
Your ships gain extra experience in friendly gravity wells. |
Vasari |
Enhances Phase Jump Inhibitors with a new ability which halts enemy ships from phase jumping towards your planets for a short duration. |
Vasari Loyalist |
Your titan activates an internal fleet becon, periodically summoning ships from the Dark Fleet to join it in battle. |
Vasari Loyalist |
Vasari civilians are re-settled onto the empire's capital ships, generating tax income over time. |
Advent |
The Unity's true followers gain the ability to harness antimatter from newly destroyed planets. (It looks like that the TEC do not get to join in on the fun of destroying planets.) |
Advent Loyalist? |
The Advent increase the scope of their transmissions, increasing the rate at which their culture spreads.") |
Researching these grants the user the ability to build Corvettes. |
Vasari |
Vasari Loyalist Corvette |
Grants access to the Tosurak Corvette prototype - a fast attack ship capable of inflicting internal damage to enemy vessels. |
Vasari Rebel Corvette |
Grants access to the Sulsurak Corvette prototype - a fast attack ship capable of inflicting internal damage to enemy vessels. |
Advent |
Advent Loyalist Corvette |
Grants access to the Acolyte Corvette prototype - a fast attack ship capable of inflicting internal damage to enemy vessels. |
Advent Rebel Corvette |
Grants access to the Vespa Corvette prototype - a fast attack ship capable of inflicting internal damage to enemy vessels. |
TEC Loyalist Corvette |
Grants access to the Shriken Corvette prototype - a fast attack ship capable of inflicting internal damage to enemy vessels. |
TEC Rebel |
Grants access to the Stilat Corvette prototype - a fast attack ship capable of inflicting internal damage to enemy vessels. |
TEC Loyalist |
Increases ship production speed when an enemy ship is present in the gravity well. |
Advent |
The Unity preys on the minds of the fearful, granting a chance to permanently mind control ships fleeing your gravity wells. |
Vasari |
Increase the damage of all pulse weapons. |
Advent |
When the last enemy ship in your planet's gravity well leaves or is destroyed, that planet gets a bonus to income and culture. |
TEC Rebel |
Your inherent disgust of alien cultures makes it much harder for enemy culture to gain a foothold in your territory. |
TEC Loyalist |
Decreases the cost of starbase upgrades. |
Advent? |
Jumping to friendly gravity wells costs no animatter and takes less charging time. |
Advent |
The combined rage of the Unity empowers friendly ships with increased weapon damage while in your culture. |
Advent Loyalist |
Harmony within your faction causes culture to spread automatically from your worlds. |
Advent? |
Strengthens the armor and hull points of the tactical structures within your gravity wells. |
TEC Rebel |
Adds an internal explosive to autocannon shells, causing them to inflict more damage on the enemy. |
Vasari |
Your ships become resistant to the effects of jump destabilization. |
TEC Rebel |
Rebel forces use your capital as a rally point as they are freed from tyranny. |
Advent Rebel |
Lowers the cost of constructing new Temples of Communion in order to more rapidly spread the true word of the Unity. |
TEC Loyalist |
Militia units help to protect your ships within friendly gravity wells. |
TEC Loyalist |
Militia units help to increase the weapon damage for your ships within friendly gravity wells. |
Advent |
Novice Psintegrat are able to bring nearby enemy mines under your control. |
Vasari Loyalist |
Prevents your faction from being defeated by own no planets, so long as you maintain a titan or your Capital Planet. |
TEC Loyalist |
Your Novalith Cannons cost fewer tactical slots and are cheaper to construct. |
Vasari Rebels |
Upon completing a phase jump, your ships and starbases receive a damage bonus for a short duration. |
TEC Rebel |
Raiders work in coordination with planetary bombardment ships to pillage credits. |
TEC Rebel |
The Pirates throw their lot in with the rebellion, lending your empire their military support. |
Advent |
When one of the Unity's worlds falls silent, the rite of vengeance is enacted, granting enhanced prowess against the aggressor. >(I wonder if the damage buff will never wear off? Also, thank you, Mr. Haze. Yes, I have the exact info now, but he still provided me with information. So there.) |
TEC Loyalist |
Advent Rebel |
The purified Unity focuses some of its power to help regenerate the protective energy fields of friendly ships. |
Advent Rebel Titan |
Allows the renewed Unity to create a temporary clone of destroyed enemy frigates or cruisers. |
Advent |
Improved focusing crystals allow laser weapons to fire at higher power levels, inflicting more damage. |
Your ships have increased hull regeneration rates. |
Vasari |
The mystery of matter replication is unlocked, granting the Vasari exodus fleet infinite resources. Finally your race can move on and escape the great enemy. |
Advent |
By combining all of their psionic power into a single wave of energy, the Unity is able to dominate the galaxy with their culture, establishing supremacy." |
Your scientists manage to create a powerful new weapon with the destructive force of a supernova. Your supremacy is established |
Advent Rebel |
The power of the purified Unity causes some ships to be revived from time to time. |
TEC Rebel |
Fury overtakes the fleet as it bombs enemy planets, granting ships combat bonuses. |
Vasari Rebel |
Your allies may use your phase gate network. |
Vasari Rebel |
Shared technology gives your forces increased shield strength and regeneration. |
Vasari Loyalist |
Scientific research is moved onto the empire's fleet, making each of your capital ships both a military and civilian lab. |
Vasari Loyalist |
You are granted a bonus to fleet supply when you are allied only with other Vasari Loyalist factions. |
Vasari Rebel |
Adds phase engines to the Orkulus starbase, giving it the ability to phase jump to adjacent gravity wells that don't already contain another owned starbase. (I can honestly already see issues with balance...) |
Vasari Loyalist |
Allows you to consume an owned planet, stripping it of all natural resources to generate a huge amount of credits, metal and crystal. The planet is transformed into a Dead Asteroid.") (This is not a Titan ability. Also, the titan does not have to be in the gravity well of the planet you are stripped, at the current moment anyways.) |
Vasari Loyalist |
Grants access to the Titan Foundry and allows you to begin construction on the Vorastra Titan, a massive warship of immense power. |
Vasari Loyalist |
Allows you to continue construction on the Vorastra Titan. |
Vasari Loyalist |
Allows you to continue construction on the Vorastra Titan. |
Vasari Loyalist |
Allows you to finish construction on the Vorastra Titan and launch it against your empire's enemies. |
Vasari Rebel |
Grants access to the Titan Foundry and allows you to begin construction on the Kultorask Titan, a massive warship of immense power. |
Vasari Rebel |
Allows you to continue construction on the Kultorask Titan. |
Vasari Rebel |
Allows you to continue construction on the Kultorask Titan. |
Vasari Rebel |
Allows you to finish construction on the Kultorask Titan and launch it against your empire's enemies. |
Advent Loyalist |
Grants access to the Titan Foundry and allows you to begin construction on the Coronata Titan, a massive warship of immense power. |
Advent Loyalist |
Allows you to continue construction on the Coronata Titan. |
Advent Loyalist |
Allows you to continue construction on the Coronata Titan. |
Advent Loyalist |
Allows you to finish construction on the Coronata Titan and launch it against your empire's enemies. |
Advent Rebel |
Grants access to the Titan Foundry and allows you to begin construction on the Eradica Titan, a massive warship of immense power. |
Advent Rebel |
Allows you to continue construction on the Eradica Titan. |
Advent Rebel |
Allows you to continue construction on the Eradica Titan. |
Advent Rebel |
Allows you to finish construction on the Eradica Titan and launch it against your empire's enemies. |
TEC Loyalist |
Grants access to the Titan Foundry and allows you to begin construction on the Ankylon Titan, a massive warship of immense power. |
TEC Loyalist |
Allows you to continue construction on the Ankylon Titan. |
TEC Loyalist |
Allows you to continue construction on the Ankylon Titan. |
TEC Loyalist |
Allows you to finish construction on the Ankylon Titan and launch it against your empire's enemies. |
TEC Rebel |
Grants access to the Titan Foundry and allows you to begin construction on the Ragnarov Titan, a massive warship of immense power. |
TEC Rebel |
Allows you to continue construction on the Ragnarov Titan. |
TEC Rebel |
Allows you to continue construction on the Ragnarov Titan. |
TEC Rebel |
Allows you to finish construction on the Ragnarov Titan and launch it against your empire's enemies. |
TEC Rebel |
A deal is struck between your empire and the remaining minor human worlds to end petty squabbling, creating an alliance with all neutral factions. |
TEC Loyalist |
Additional personnel are allocated to defending your empire, allowing you to support a second starbase in your gravity wells. |
Advent Rebel |
Grants the Wail of the Sacrificed ability to the Temple of Communion, allowing the local planet to sacrifice its population. Doing so unleashes a psionic wave that does heavy damage to all ships and structures in nearby gravity wells. |
REC Rebel |
Adds multiple sub-warheads to missiles, each containing its own explosive payload which spreads damage across the enemy's hull. |
TEC Loyalist |
Raises war bonds from the local populace when an enemy ship is present within the local gravity well, increasing tax income. |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseLoyalist_Abilities |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseLoyalist_AbilityA |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseLoyalist_AbilityB |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseLoyalist_AbilityC |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseLoyalist_AbilityD |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseLoyalist_Durability |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseLoyalist_Weapons |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseRebel_Abilities |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseRebel_AbilityA |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseRebel_AbilityB |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseRebel_AbilityC |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseRebel_AbilityD |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseRebel_Durability |
TitanUpgrade_PhaseRebel_Weapons |
TitanUpgrade_PsiLoyalist_Abilities |
TitanUpgrade_PsiLoyalist_AbilityA |
TitanUpgrade_PsiLoyalist_AbilityB |
TitanUpgrade_PsiLoyalist_AbilityC |
TitanUpgrade_PsiLoyalist_AbilityD |
TitanUpgrade_PsiLoyalist_Durability |
TitanUpgrade_PsiLoyalist_Weapons |
TitanUpgrade_PsiRebel_Abilities |
TitanUpgrade_PsiRebel_AbilityA |
TitanUpgrade_PsiRebel_AbilityB |
TitanUpgrade_PsiRebel_AbilityC |
TitanUpgrade_PsiRebel_AbilityD |
TitanUpgrade_PsiRebel_Durability |
TitanUpgrade_PsiRebel_Weapons |
TitanUpgrade_TechLoyalist_Abilities |
TitanUpgrade_TechLoyalist_AbilityA |
TitanUpgrade_TechLoyalist_AbilityB |
TitanUpgrade_TechLoyalist_AbilityC |
TitanUpgrade_TechLoyalist_AbilityD |
TitanUpgrade_TechLoyalist_Durability |
TitanUpgrade_TechLoyalist_Weapons |
TitanUpgrade_TechRebel_Abilities |
TitanUpgrade_TechRebel_AbilityA |
TitanUpgrade_TechRebel_AbilityB |
TitanUpgrade_TechRebel_AbilityC |
TitanUpgrade_TechRebel_AbilityD |
TitanUpgrade_TechRebel_Durability |
TitanUpgrade_TechRebel_Weapons |
Trigger |