I've also got nothing against anyone who puts together guides in importing models, adding new races, etc. But those can't be the only thing you rely on when making a mod. You can have a mod with 11 races with all new models and crap, but if it plays identically to Sins, whats the point?
Have to add my .02$ - one could ask the same about mods which can't actually be played in single player mode. But then of course, that one would be mistaken to judge a mod based solely on one aspect of changes it brings to the game.
The point of any mod is that it changes the core game. It can change gameplay, it can change the way the game looks, it can add new things to the game and thus again change it - but one type of change cannot be valued over another. Why? Because it depends on user preferences. The only thing that matters in modding is the quality of execution, which is usually a function of time and effort thrown into a project. Everything else is based on purely subjective preferences.
Take a look over at TES Nexus. You have mods which drastically alter gameplay, like mine. And you have mods which simply make the game look better. Personally, I love playing with both, because those are the kind of changes I want and luckily there are people out there who take the time to make them.
I don't think my Total Realism for Skyrim is leagues better than, say, Realistic Water Textures just because one changes the way you play the game and the other one doesn't.
Same way I don't feel it is justified to argue that DoV is "better" or "higher quality" than other mods which do not drastically alter the way the game plays.
Not to mention that many of those mods don't do that not because modders behind those projects don't know how to do it or are too lazy, but because they don't want to nuke half the gameplay - take into consideration that Sins is not a very modable game. It's great for swapping/adding assets, but the core engine is locked up tight. So unless you want to gut the singleplayer mode, there is nothing anyone can do about it. Hell, we can't even tweak the AI. You work with what you have.