3. Is the TEC Loyalists Titan ability (inspire & something...it boosts friendly firepower and cuts enemy firepower in half) supposed to only work when the planet is owned? I've noticed that if the planet is owned by someone then it works if not your ship lights up but it doesn't affect the ships attacking you. I noticed this as I was attacking a planet that had a horde of enemy ships and 3,423,989 rebel ships. It worked fine until I used the Novalith on the planet.
from observation it has to have a population makes sort of sense you can't inspire anyone if their all dead
2. The AI (even on vicious) will not attack you. You sit there and watch their cap ships go back and forth between 2 or 3 planets like idiots. In the game I am currently playing the enemy cap ships are all lvl 7 and just go back and forth between planets.
Notice that true but vicious starts with powerfull attacks for the first hour and thirty mins. and alot of players have noted the "jump dance" as we are now calling it from the captial ships.
1. "Tandem Corporation has been defeated"...oh ok...they still have 13 planets, 8 caps and a Titan. WTF? Once you get that message they give up and you kick their butts. Why can't they fight like crazy till the bitter end?
Depends on victory condition I've a AI flagship want to solo tank a fully defened loyatist planet. They fight crazy at the end for me all their captial ships and titian set on there home grav well. D: wish they you know go about and level it then at least try to kill me.
Vicious use to mean something now it's a fluffy and easy to kill :/