Quoting Jevarah, reply 3What is that ability?
My guess would be the one that makes it strip mine a planet dry, draining all of it's resources and leaving a dead asteroid behind.
To Mr. Haze, that is not how "Stripped to the Core" works, you need to own the planet, and you do not need a titan.
The ability is like Return of the Dark Armada, like what the phase gates already have, but as of now, the ships are free. In the current version, I bet what they have going on right now is a proof of concept - I say that because as soon as a ship is destroyed, and if you have available fleet supply, another ship gets warped in.
Needless to say, I played with 2850 fleet supply. It was fun.
Yeah, i just heard about how the "Stripped to the core" works and its pretty disappointing. I think almost everyone assumed this will be a role for the Titan. HERE IS THE PLEA TO DEVS: PLEASE CHANGE IT TO BE THIS WAY. Even if the only reason to do it would be rule of cool.
In regard to the Fleet Beacon: does it replace lost ship for the same type? I mean even Capital Ships? Or is this replacement random?
EDIT: Given the original scope of this thread, i would again suggest in case of Vas Loyalist Titan to give it the ability to strip/kill even enemy planets + keep the fleet beacon ability, and in exchange for this remove all its offensive capabilities, bar the maw ability and perhaps anti-fighter flak defences. Other than that, no phase missiles, no wave cannons, nothing. In order to strip heavily defended enemy planet you would need to accompany the titan with a proper fleet to protect it, what should be made somewhat easier thanks to that fleet beacon.
I do not know, whether this will be balanced, but:
- it would make the Vorastra instantly different to lets say Ankylon or Ragnarov
- stripping the planets would be hell more of fun than in the titan-unrelated scuttle button like case working on your own planets only (which is apparently current, although unfinished, state of the things).