Quoting Tasunke, reply 7quoting post
The title says it all.
I wish more threads were like this ...
What lucidity, what passion, what extrapolation. The time and thought that must have gone into a post such as this, it boggles the mind.
Watch out for this guy. He needs everything spelled out for him.
Come on, that was funny ^^ and I agree with him! I think the original post could use a little more polishing to catch my interest, I don't talk to my friends like "Hey Martin, Want Cake!!... Title says all".
I do think there should be a way to dispell enchantments, though it should be expensive, but hopefully NOT chance based, meaby spent thrice the base mana cost of the enchantment one wish dispelled.
Also it should be easier to view enchantment effects, especially on cities, atleast so you can cast a spell with the opposite effect as a sort of countermeasure, - that is another way to handle dispelling, I quite like that too, but requires me to have been too lucky with magic level up selection.
~ Kongdej