I understand precisely how the ability works. What I am saying is that I also know precisely how to neutralize this ability as it is to render it totally useless. Your enemy controls the ability activation. You give the movement advantage to the oppoenent.
Your fleet will be at a disadvantage the entire time, because while the opponents titan is using its level 6 ability to full awesome effect, yours is an ability that only works if you mess up, and can be activated at your opponents leisure. this also reduces the utility of your titan vs the other titans.
Lets do a thought experiment on a very likely scenario online:
You engage the opponent with your titan and fleet support. Your fleet has to retreat from the fight in the gravity well for whatever reason (perhaps an ally fleet MUST recieve immediate support) and you attempt a retreat. Your titan, being the slowest ship to retreat will attempt to enter phase space when your adversary, right on your heels actually warps ahead of you or almost at the same time. Your titan remains under constant fire, depleting antimatter to nothing every jump back to safety in home territory. You lose the titan and your opponent jumps out very quickly, because it only takes a few seconds to jump out. The antimatter starvation via EMP would result in the same outcome as well... Waiting those critical seconds for antimatter to recharge will ensure this ability is useless for any practical combat scenario. No mutually assured destruction, in a plausible scenario. This will happen far more often then when the ability will actually be useful, as long as you are playing skilled opponents. Also, when you played skilled players you don't want them controlling when you activate your ability.
Thus the ability is rendered useless, and you have to wait for your antimatter to recharge, even if its 1000% faster it won't be fast enough to really do much damage, players will just run away. The marza ability seems stronger on many accounts, because you can activate it when and where you choose. The time it takes for antimatter to recharge will be enough time for the opponent to retreat to safety. To be even marginally useful this ability needs to completely disable or heavily snare surrounding enemy forces to ensure some level of Mutually assured destruction. The opponent may be able to choose when your ship dies, but they shouldn't be able to run away from it if you suicide your ship into the middle of their fleet. In this way you have some marginal control over the use of this ability, so that it won't be completely negated by an intelligent player. Also, bomber spam will become the favorite counter to this ship to render its ability useless. Not a difficult counter at all, you kill their ship while they don't even get to use their level 6 ability once, and you laugh your ass off because you have been using your level 6 ability for an hour now.
Not being able to activate when and where YOU choose means you have already nerfed the ability by half at a minimum.
Also, this isn't that fun as the player doesn't get to really use their "super ability" and therefore doesn't really have incentive to choose this ability over levelling up another ability.
I say this gives your opponent an unfair advantage, because all the other ships can choose when to use their level 6 ability.
Is it just me or does this seem to be sort of a recurring theme with the Advent? I'm thinking about the Progenitor ult right now... Or perhaps it's supposed to be the Advent version of the Big Red Button?
The big red button has more utility, because the player constructing the starbase chooses where and when to build the starbase. The big red button has a much higher fun factor, and its great to destroy players fleets who forget to scout ahead in the endgame.
The progenitor ultimate ability likewise is used when the player chooses to do so, and they choose which capital ship to be upgraded. The point is that the opponent controls the time and place to give the killing blow to the advent titan, and you had better be sure that the time and place will be chosen to the extreme advantage of that opponent. As for having a highly situational ability(which really means it is a weaker overall ability when compared to the utility of the other titan abilities), Titan super abilities shouldn't be of such a low calibur. They should be useful in a lot of situations.
Ankylon- reduces opposing fleet attack speed in the gravity well. An amazing user controlled tactical fleet vs fleet advantage. useful in all situations requiring attack and defense.
Ragnarov- Overcharge allows you to get that extra powerful hit you need when you need it. A practical ability useful in almost all situations requiring attack and defense. Note: this is user controlled.
Coronata- Taking over planets, thats the goal of the game, the coronata achieves it. A player controlled ability that will always be relevant.
Eradica- Highly situational temporary ability that may or may not do a darned thing based upon the tactical environment, and when your oppoenent decides to kill the titan. Opponent controlled ability activation.
See the pattern here? The eradica is far less useful in many ways.
This is clearly a case where unique design comes at a detriment to the fun factor.