Never been a big Advent fan, but the rebel titan really just made me go 'meh'. It has a severe case of 'Kol Syndrome' where it's only really effective if you opponent focus fires it. Sure it does a lot more DPS than a Kol does but if you don't shoot it 2 of its 4 skills don't do anything. That's really not good design. The passive in theory is designed to make ignoring the titan bad since it powers up, the the damage increase isn't nearly scary enough to make me attack it before wiping out the supporting fleet. All it's really good for is spamming its one aoe damage skill, which while pretty good doesn't save the whole package.
You pretty much took the words out of my mouth(only in my case due to my tendency to rant the same point took about 4 pargraphs, so props).
But yeah, Strength of the Fallen doesn't reeally do much to dissuade the enemy from ignoring the Eradica. it's going to hit max stacks quickly regardless, and when it does it's not really all that scary(the much easier to kill attendant frigate fleet does a lot mroe damage then the eradica even at max stacks).
And moreover once the attendant fleet of frigates is dead, 2 of Eradica's 3 abilities become useless(no new stacks of strength of the fallen and nothing to eat). Combined with the fact the level 6 ability does nothing until Eradica dies, by icing the frigate component of your fleet first, the enemy essentially removes all of Eradica's abilities except for one. And as has been said, there's not much of a cost. even at 5 stacks the Eradica is WAY easier to ignore then either TEC titan.
There are 2 problems with the implementation of Strength of the fallen(which is supposed to be THE incentive to not ignore eradica):
1). Pathetic base damage. The Eradica deals less base damage then the TLT, which also ha abilities, better defensive base stats, and to top it all off is supposed to be a defensive supporter(Eradica's general design looks as though ti was intended to be more offensive by comparison). The eradica's base damage should be higher then the TLT, or at the very least as high
2). The current design of the ability makes it more of a dependable early-fight buff that disappears after awhile then an actual persistent reason for the enemy to not ignore the eradica. In large battles with AoE damage, titans, and likely plentiful strikecraft, there's very little question at least5 frigates are going to die fairly early in the battle. And once those 5 die, the Eradica offers no further penalty for icing more- So the enemy may as well keep wiping out frigates. Honestly I'm starting to think either the stack cap has to be increased to perhaps 10-15 (with the damage per stack perhaps reduced a bit as necessary- the point it's easier to justify balancing the ability so the Eradica becomes a nightmare at 12-15 stacks then it is at a measly 5 stacks) Or alternatively have some secondary effect each time an allied unit dies that always is applied- Something that means some benefit is gleaned every time an allied unit nearby dies.
Also is such a rework were instituted I suspect it may be a good idea to make the death of corvettes not trigger strength of the fallen or have reduced effect. it's difficult to improve the ability so that it really dissuades ignoring the Eradica when bringing a along a large contingent of cheap-to-produce born to-die corvettes allows the eradica to cheaply and reliably build stacks on Strength of the Fallen regardless of your opponent's intentions. Without somehow limiting corvettes synergy with the ability it may be difficult to give it the buffs necessary to actually make it a deterrent to targetting the Eradica's retinue of frigates.
[EDIT: HA! somehow this still managed to become a rant despite my original intentions to say I agreed and add a bit of my own thoughs.]