Do people usually play this game at faster settings (i.e. faster resources, ship movement speed, etc)
Games seem to go really slow so I was just wondering what was the norm for multiplayer so I can get used to it first in single player.
single player play at 4x or 2x
multi are at the fastest settings possible with quick start and pirates off. Locked teams random maps
Yes, multiplayer is almost always played on the fastest possible settings. As do many single players.
in addition to jj's response, we also have normal fleet sizes as well so minimize lag issues with huge endgame fleets.
It depends on what you want, I play SP with the quick start OFF, large fleet sizes, slow culture spread, and slow victory speed so I can enjoy an epic game.
thanks for the answers everyone
Honestly, when I start I usually crank the speed up using the + button because initially things are slow. But as things pick up and the lag start to become more unbearable you might want to down back down the speed.
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