Um... who are you. Not to be snarky, but you've not been around that long and Rebellion isn't even out. Also, Rebellion has a ton of new particles. Lastly... You are neither Bailknight, nor Morgatu who has updated the mod for Trinity, and presumably for Bailknight, here
Perhaps check with Morgatu, I'm sure he'll be working on upgrading Rebellion effects so maybe join up with him instead of running over him.
Also, playtest Rebellion, provide feedback, help make the final product better before modding stuff into BETA -StarClad ain't going for people releasing mods while they're still making it; it takes away from the whole experience of testing the product and helping them instead of helping self.
That said, tinker around with their new particle forge, provide some feedback on that compared to the one for Trinity.
Yeah... good point.
Well, I felt his mod was dead. And you can see that I had put together fixed entity files for Diplomacy 1.34.
Look. The mod isn't mine. I take no credit whatsoever. It was all Bailknight/Morgatu.
And yes, the game isn't out yet. I know. You have another good point. The reason I did it was that I though this:
What would the game look like if I combined the great graphics on the ships with the great graphics Bailknight made?
And yes, I've been here a short time. I should be reporting bugs for Rebellion, not making mods for the beta.
When did they release the new particle forge? Am I blind or what?