sc2 is over in 5 min, i dont see the problem. A short sins game can be over in 30 min.
A long sins game takes 2 hours. ya, sure thats longer than the 45 min long TVTs of starcraft, but not impossible.
Stupidly long games minidump at 5 hours, and are generally stalemate borefests, and would never get cast anyway.
what the crap is this 3 week thing you are talking about?
Yes there are micro opportunities, every cap ship ability, some frig abilities (designate target, distortion field, repulsion come to mind), repair bays have to be microed in many circumstances to make sure they are healing your 1/3 health capital ship and not the 95% health extractor.
You should have seen me micro demobots before they became easy to use. it was quite epic. I still have to micro distortion field, and that alone is quite a feat. Gotta keep units on hold position so they dont charge into the enemy defences. GOt to watch every single neutal gravity well to make sure he is not trying to go for my extractors, while I of course am going for his.
got to individually tell my capital ships to retreat, so that they move at 525 speed instead of 500, and so they pick the closest jump point, instead of whereever the rest of the fleet is trying to jump. Gotta give individual move orders to LF, heavies, corvettes, and flack for the same reason.
Got to micro my colony ships around so they can solocolonize astroids and moons. they cant otherwise do it if they dont have a decent antimatter supply when they warp in. often times gotta leave them at a safe neutral, or a sun to recharge, and heal, and then move in, and you cant forget about em.
Docking and undocking strike craft, and managing your carrier's antimatter reserves? gotta make sure your strikecraft are doing something and not just feeding the enemy caps/titans exp.
And then there is the advanced stuff. ALot of new micro capibility was added with corvettes, harrassing behind enemy lines and running around vasari units using charged missles has always been something possible and worth doing. making sure you arent queing up to many units at your frig factories, and queing up more structures than you have constructors? bad form.
Cant forget about microing against shield mitigation to make sure your units are doing maximum damage (expecially AOE abilities) Captial ship and titan locations, to make sure all their weapon banks are firing...
There are very very few games where I find myself needing less APM, and quite a few wishing i could move faster.