So i bought Sins a couple of days ago and won my first 1v1 vs the AI match. Then i loaded up a medium-large map and started. Within 5 hours i had about 60,000 credits, and that was after i upgraded all my fleets, stations, and researched many of the research trees. What i want to know is, what do i do with all the excess money i have? I actually don't need it, as i am dominating the AI. On that note, i'm finding the AI to be reasonably easy to beat. The match is a normal difficulty FFA, but i have allied with the other TEC faction. Everyone else is Advent, and whenever i go to one of their planets, there are no cruisers, frigates or capitals. Just heaps of mines, hangers, and a space station. My fleets just pound away at them til they're all gone, i take over the planet, and move onto the next one, and that's that. Where's the fun in that? I've heard on the forums of people going toe-to-toe with massive AI fleets who use advanced tactics. I have yet to see any of these. I would have expected more from a game's normal difficulty.
What i want to know is, what can i do to make the game more challenging?
Just a newbie asking for advice