Presuming you could make it targetable and are facing a Titan...
2 Radiances + 2 Raptures + 1 (or more) Progenitor + Dominas.
Animosity+Vengeance with healing from the current target while the other knocks away AM with DAM (I would like to see this). The enemy Titan suddenly has to deal with a well supported ship probably healing at 25 hps and 40 sps with EAA converting damage into AM to return fire on the titan. As one starts to get low, alternate to the other. I don't know how high Advent mitigation can go in rebellion, but combining that with EAA, against something without phase missiles, this will be one vicious anti-titan (or starbase) combo. You'd probably lose one or both Radiances in the battle, but presuming that you have your own titan in play, it would significantly increase your chances of winning.
Vengeance against a titan would be quite impressive. This also assumes that it can reflect damage to a titan. I'd assume it can, and if so, that's going to make it hurt to go up against such a synergy (something the Radiance hasn't ever been involved in in MP and only was in SP before the Malice nerf).