Be sure to tune in to X-Play tonight on G4TV where they go hands-on with Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion with Brad Wardell!
X-Play comes on at 6:30PM EST, so check your local listings for info on G4TV in your area.
Is there any way to watch this online, after the broadcast?
They should put it online, but not sure exactly when. I'll post when they do.
Haven't watched it yet, but this appears to be the online video of it. Not worth watching for anyone already already on here, just a a bit of media attention to catch the eye of people not already aware of it.
HEY! the game might come out late spring!!!!
steam says game comes out 6/12.
Here ya
Thats it? 2 minutes, 17 seconds?
Thanks for posting, anyway.
well in the video the ceo of stardock said maybe late spring which is may?? he said it depends of feedback.. cuz june is summer pbhead!
Does not summer start with a summer solstice?
... didnt think about that but isint it june the beging of summer world wide?
There is no summer world wide. For half the world its winter in June, and if you're near the equator you may not really have seasons.
lol goafan yes u got me! but in north america and in europe (above the equator) summer starts in june...
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