Pbhead is just pissed masteria1 was abusing defense vessels to kill off even heavy cruisers (let alone long range frigates).
The problem is testing flak vs lrm instead of flak vs light frigates-why? because he wants to mindless spam lrm without a brutal punish with flak because he doesn't want to build expensive light frigates from tec and vasari (which sadly don't use phase missles) to counter flak. LRM is not meant to counter flak-but it can kill them in numbers since flak is expensive for tec and vasari.
I don't much care if flak is nerfed for tec and vasari- advent defense vessels are there ace card in the early game and the other races are completely different from them.
Smarms of desciples has the defense vessel at a more vulnerable position...
Its even more vulnerable to starbases and capital ship weapons from say Power Surge. You want to nerf disciples too? Caps too? You have to remember tec and vasari still get early armor upgrades while advent have to wait late game.
It wasn't a much needed nerf-people don't use flak all that much and prefer mindless lrm spam. Flak was a mortal punish but the nerf as i have already said is not so much a Phhead reason because flak vs corvettes needed to be assessed on top of everything since they got a nerf in price and fleet supply.
The problem as it stands is the devs are having a hard time trying to adjust this corvette variable..
We don't know if the corvette nerf is to resolve lag or resolve the counter strategies--if its just lag then its not fair if a 20 defense vessel vs 50 corvettes meant flak was victorious.....then just because they lag the game they have to nerf defense vessels since we get less of them now?---what about lf?
Do me a favor and test... flak vs light frigates and flak vs corvettes.
I don't appreciate being bored with statistics of flak vs what was the most spammed unit in the game before corvettes .Esp when I'm enjoying my lasagna.
P.S i wish they would even use gpu accelerated physics (havok with openCL then move to cuda later) to deal with more objects than having to just depend on the cpu
or do they?
Phhead i would suck your dick but i don't do small favors.