hope you guys enjoy!
Thanks. The whole thing actually creeps me out.
@Semaz...I'll make that variant for you shortly. Sorry for the delay. Internet was out a few days and catching up work and stuff.
did this one along time ago (terrible nate requested some larger art) but i didnt post it.. i didnt know if it was cool enough or it was missing something (:
so here it is THE Advent Patrol Unit patrolling a planet, where the legendary Kultorask Titan Rests In Peace
HD: http://bbb4445.deviantart.com/art/Soase-Advent-Patrol-Unit-316029653
It was quiet...too quiet.
Here's an external site that shows some of the the hi-res models used in the Sins intro. One of the titan model-texture artists for Freespace Films (they made the trailer) posted there.
Here's a peek:
wao i wish the game textures were so hi res! or maybe my video card sucks....
Adding onto what Ryat said, I think that what you have made is a true piece of art.
thanks guys
really awesome artwork maybe you could do the coronata when you get time it would be epic to have a view from what it would look like down on the ground as it repoes a planet
That might look weird in actual art considering you would not be able to see it from the planets surface.
Me when I am bored:
I like it.
That's because you are a gentleman, sir.
i like it too
Thanks. Me too. I wonder who made it?
They show their face again!
Its like the Masons of the modding world
Silence...you know the penalty for disclosing our secrets!
Do not incur our wrath.
or what, you'll spoil the game for us by telling what's chasing the vasari?
Don't foce my hand--you know I will. Here's your picture btw:
All of these are so epic, I made your original Advent Robot picture my backround, its still my favorite, althought the vasari loyalist loading screen thing is a very close second.
Very cool!
Huge Talent Axxo - Any chance of talking you into making in game portraits (Not a fan SOSA provided ones - Way too 1990 computer graphics for my taste). Your stuff is level 11 epic with awsome sauce upgrade that provides unicorn mounted cyber cougar cannons that shoot Light sabre weilding kittens and chainsaw ninja monkeys.
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