I agree. After one steals a ship, I doubt that the discussion among the engineers goes like this:
Engineer 1) "What the hell is this green gooey shit dripping from the walls?"
Engineer 2) "It appears that gooey crap makes the light shooting thingamabobs four times as powerful as our own lasers!"
Engineer 1) "Screw that, it's getting all over my pants, my wife will kill me. Get rid of it. Now, what's with this super thick armor?"
Engineer 2) "It appears that it was designed to stop torpedo penetration."
Engineer 1) "Stops penetration!?!? Its a chastity beltz?!?!"
Engineer 2) "No sir, I meant..."
Engineer 1) "Get rid of it! More penetration means happier soldiers and more people to colonize our planets!"
Engineer 2) "But, sir!!!! We NEED this tech. It's much better than anything we have! It even has SHIELDS!"
Engineer 1) "If it won't let me haz moar cheezburgerz, screw it! Toss it all! Muaaaaaaaaahahahaha!"