Co-Optimus got a look at Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion and have posted their preview so far.
“I put a few hours into a small map, conquering and colonizing a handful of planets as well as dealing with some pesky pirates. Sadly my beta time expired before I got to attempt any of the new victory conditions or dig deeper into the new research and science trees. My short time with the game reminded why I had put dozens upon dozens of hours with the original. I really enjoyed some of the UI enhancements for managing larger fleets and keeping track of all your stuff across multiple worlds. Overall everything just feels very polished, especially for a beta.”
Read the full article at Co-Optimus.
SPACE PORN?!? LOL that was an epic remark, one I have NEVER scene used before as well. It looks like Stardock and Ironclad have another success in their pockets.
Clearly the developers gave Co-Optimus the Advent-only nudity cheat code, that's the only explanation for the Space porn comment.
Can't wait for the modders to unlock it for us.
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