I'm sure everybody has this problem, because its been an annoyance since I purchased the game years ago.
You have a fleet of four to five capital ships and screen and you jump to a neighboring planet. Rather than all jumping at once, they all seem intent on using the "single file" method to go through. Yet, they come out in formation on the other side, for the most part. If you have 8 capital ships, they run into each other, get confused and jump late.
If you're vasari and using Marauder or Orkulus phase stabilizer that has a time limit in conjunction with a Kostura cannon to jump across the map in a surprise assault and they do this, your attack is completely ruined. Even if you have everything set perfect---you've aligned the ship at the hyper limit to wait. You have your finger on the hotkey button on the marauder or star base to stabilize phase space. Boom. Kostura hits, you click the button, and instead of a nice, clean, smooth jump with your whole fleet, you get a cluster-f.
They don't know what to do. They run into one another. And the worst part? The Marauder usually winds up jumping first. Its the weakest capital ship, it its the only way to get the other ships through without taking the long way. Can you guys fix this so instead of "spots" there are "zones" where you can jump a fleet?