Wow... Just finished a game of 1v1 as Vasari Loyalists and dang... stip mining is fun. I have to Wonder though if the capitol ship research is a but OP? Was cool when I finally researched that tech and with my existing fleet, did not need to build another research station the rest of the game, in fact, I got rid of my stations as I replaced them with capitol ships and build resource harvesters and such (not that I needed them at the rate I was destroying planets)
3 things I noticed though,
the automated colonization ability wasn't kicking in much, as far as I could tell. Maybe I had colony ships/caps parked too far away for it to kick in, or stuck in a fleet which kept them from doing it, but it seemed not to be working like I remember.
my Vasari AI opponant never bothered to expand to nearby uninhabited planets after it got all the ones one jump away, they had ample fleet to move out and conquer, but they never advanced past a certain point and their largest fleet was taken down single handed by a fully upgraded and fully researched starbase.
and you can't set up mines on the asteroid field's left over resources like you can if they spawned as asteroid fields (not sure if this is intentional or not)